Senior Iranian Rules Out Engaging Biden at Conference
CNS News
( – A high-profile Iranian politician will attend a security conference in Germany this week, but he says he has no plans to meet there with members of a U.S. delegation that will be led by Vice President Joe Biden.
Ali Larijani, a former nuclear negotiator now serving as parliamentary speaker, said Tehran had yet to see the “new approach” offered by Washington. President Obama pledged while campaigning to talk with Iran without preconditions. Since taking office, he has expressed willingness to engage with Iranian leaders who “unclench their fist.”
Iran’s Press TV quoted Larijani as ruling out talking to the Americans in Germany. The February 6-8 conference in Munich will focus on disarmament, energy supplies and regional security, and Larijani said his contribution would be limited to those subjects.
Earlier, word from the organizers of the 45th Munich Conference on Security Policy that a “high-ranking” figure from Tehran would attend stoked speculation about possible contact between the Iranian and American sides, particularly in the light of the U.S. decision to send the vice president.
The annual conference usually draws foreign and defense ministers from key Western states and Russia, and it typically allows for considerable informal discussion among participants.
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