Sayyid, Doctor and General: What More Do You Want?
asharq alawsat / Amir Taheri
06-Feb-2009 (2 comments)

Polling day in Iran's presidential election may be five months away but the election campaign is already in full swing. Although no one has announced his candidacy so far, it is clear that a record number of the regime's heavyweights are preparing to throw their hats, caps, or turbans, into the ring. According to tradition, next June's election should be a routine affair. Since 1982, all presidents of the Islamic Republic have been allowed to win a second and final four-year term, without much serious opposition. This time, however, things are different.

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So similar

by LOL (not verified) on

Reminds me of all the titles lined up before the Ugandan dictator, Idi Amin Dada's name.

khaleh mosheh

IRI next evolutionary step

by khaleh mosheh on

Seems very much that Safavi mutation will cause the next incremental evolutionary change in the IRI.