محمد خاتمي نامزدي خود را براي انتخابات آتي رياست جمهوري اعلام کرد
08-Feb-2009 (8 comments)

به گزارش خبرنگار سياسي ايرنا، خاتمي يکشنبه شب پس از افتتاح سايت مجمع روحانيون مبارز ، در گفت و گو با خبرنگاران تصريح کرد: با جديت حضور خود در انتخابات را اعلام مي کنم.
خاتمي با بيان اينکه برخي پيش از اين مي‌گفتند که بنده براي حضور در انتخابات ترديد دارم، گفت: ترديد من براي چگونگي حضور در عرصه بود و مگر مي‌شود کسي به فکر سرنوشت ملت ايران باشد و در پديده مهم انتخابات و شرکت در آن ترديد داشته باشد.
وي گفت: ما دل بسته به اين کشوريم و عزمت روزافزون ملت را مي‌خواهيم.


show them caca so they're satisfied with pooh-pooh

by Parham on

And to who ever changed my original title (which I changed back again) -- you do that one more time, your biggest piece will be your ear.



In any case, that doesn't

by Parham on

In any case, that doesn't even come close to what I meant with MY title. Thank you very much!
And if you mean to throw a jab with "tradition of nokhbeh koshi", please say so and state your argument. We're here for that.


So that was you?

by Parham on

So that was you?


oh come one

by IRANdokht on

I think ghaht-ol-rejaal was a very suitable title!

especially due to our tradition of nokbeh koshi




by Parham on

And by the way, since when do we dance to the tune of the "howchis" (هوچی ها) here??


Re: Title

by Parham on

Well I changed it again, see if you'll like this one! :-)
By the way, I didn't think the terms "an" and "goh" were very strong where on the top of the main page it said "be kiram".
In any case, the title is meant to convey an idea... I won't have it without that idea.


Advice for Khatami: get some balls first!

by Anonymo (not verified) on

He has to get in touch with his masculine side!
He had 8 years and all he did chickened out
time and again!

So are you telling us Iranians have two options in this election: Harmful (Mahmud) vs. useless (Mohammad)!

Jahanshah Javid


by Jahanshah Javid on

Hi Parham jan, I changed your title. Come on... "an" and "goh" are a bit too strong for the NEWS section. And you know others are just waiting for the opportunity to top your choice words with some of their own. So... I beg you...
