How do People Keep Going?
Znet / Kathy Kelly
16-Feb-2009 (one comment)

People have asked me, since I returned from Gaza, how people manage? How do they keep going after being traumatized by bombing and punished by a comprehensive state of siege? I wonder myself. I know that whether the loss of life is on the Gazan or the Israeli side of the border, bereaved survivors feel the same pain and misery. On both sides of the border, I think children pull people through horrendous and horrifying nightmares. Adults squelch their panic, cry in private, and strive to regain semblances of normal life, wanting to carry their children through a precarious ordeal.


Life Goes On...

by IRANdokht on

"Children who survive bombing are eager to rebuild. They don't know how jeopardized their lives are, how ready adults are to bomb them again."
