Iran refusing to co-operate with nuclear inspectors, says UN
Guardian / Julian Borger, diplomatic editor
19-Feb-2009 (one comment)

The UN's nuclear watchdog will report that Iran is continuing to obstruct its investigation into allegations of past work on nuclear weapons, but the country's uranium enrichment programme was expanding more slowly than expected. The report, due to be released today or tomorrow, is likely to sharpen debate within the Obama administration, which is reviewing its Iran policy. Previewing the report, Mohamed ElBaradei, director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) gave a scathing assessment of Iran's co-operation with his inspectors' inquiries into the country's past nuclear experimentation, alleged by the US and its allies to be aimed at building weapons.

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Kaveh Nouraee

Is this any surprise?

by Kaveh Nouraee on

This is the standard behavior of the IRI. They conduct themselves as though the rules do not apply to them.

Then to make it worse, there are those who condone this behavior and still believe that the IRI should have a nuclear program.

If this is a civilian electrical program, then why the secrecy, why the games? The atom is not being reinvented. This is actually old technology, so there's really nothing to hide, unless the IRI has something to hide, such as the truth about the nuclear program.