'Sinful' city buses stoned by ultra-Orthodox Jews
the independent
28-Feb-2009 (20 comments)

Although Israel defines itself as a Jewish state, what that means in practice is subject to dispute, with religious and secular Jews constantly tugging for greater clout.... The latest battle is over demands that buses segregate men and women in accordance with strict Jewish law on a line connecting the ultra-Orthodox stronghold of Mea Shearim in Jerusalem with the Western Wall. In the view of some ultra-Orthodox Jews, segregated seating, with women entering separately through the rear door and sitting at the back, is vital to uphold their stringent traditions stipulating modesty and prohibiting physical contact with members of the opposite sex.




Who is confabulating?!

by Mehrnaz (not verified) on

In relation to the post of the two 'abused' kids, I assumed that you had read my previous comments which all made it clear the issue was age, not the ideology. It is clear you had not read those, which is fine but When I said "the issue is " I had assumed you had read the previous comments and were putting what I am saying in that context. Yes, you did sound pointed but you explained you were irritable, so it's ok, Rosie.

Regarding 'confabulation' on my part, you are mistaken, I am not confabulating, I am just REPEATING what has been consistently uttered by Mazloom, Zion and their cohort on this website. The idea that the Palestinians don't have justification for deep grievance and fighting and that Hezbollah and Hamas are not indigenous groups but terrorists run and controlled by Iran, which is a load of trash. If Mazloom and Zion think differently and say it, I would be delighted to hear it and warmly extend my hand of friendship if I see fairness and compassion.

Regarding criticism of Ahamdi-Nedjad, you did not read Rosie, or perhaps make assumptions regarding meanings which are not there. I did not say Ahmadi-Nedjad should not be criticised, what I say is that criticism of his domestic policies which affect the people of Iran including myself, by the way, and my family, are a different matter to criticising his foreign policy. You do not need to lecture me regarding domestic life in Iran, I go there several times a year and follow events very keenly indeed. Ahmadi-Nedjad's comments provided good fodder for warmongers, but as Avnery said in an article a couple of years ago, "If Ahmadi-Nedjad did not exist we would make one", as you know following from Sartre's "If the Jew did not exist the anti-Semite would invent him". He has been demonised, blamed for all ills in Iran and portrayed as an anti-Semite which he is NOT. I am not against criticising him, but only for what he has ACTUALLY said and done, without distortion and demonisation.

As for those secular or more liberal religious Jews who hate the UOs, big deal, still many of those hate Palestinians and feel entitled to treat them like animals. Rosie, my own personal experience, working with some professional Jews and Israelis, psychoanalysts and therapists (!!!), has been that, not everyone, but many are very liberal, very erudite, believe in democratic values, but when it comes to Arabs and Palestinians, they are deeply and unashamedly racist, they virtually go blind....

Mazloom, I know of Jewish ritual sexual practices, it is not to my liking, but it is their business. As for Muslims, no, they like sex very much and it is positively encouraged!!! Not that I like that either, but that too is different from foreign policy!

Mehdi Mazloom

For sake of allah.

by Mehdi Mazloom on

Besmillah e' khdah. Be-juooneh ghorme' sabzim, I am trying to tell the truth. Lets clarify few things.

My claim that, Akhmag-e' najad was telling the rabbis about the bus. It was a BS. I was speaking in tong-n-cheek. Jocking. 

"Jewish taliban": I was explaining the fact that Jews also have their own brand of religious fundamentalists, who will go to great length - including deny the legitimacy of others in the own religious group, to support their righteous mantra.

Here is another revelation for you out there. In Israel, we call it HA-SAADIN IMM HA-KHOR (the bed sheet with the hole). If you promise to not tell anyone else, I will disclose on of their best kept secrets, how do the DO IT!!

When comes THE night, with it comes the delight, What else?, the wife is ovulating. Time to commit the mitzvah (holy deed) and have baby. man can't waste much time nor  energy on nonesense.

The hubby then fetches THE SHEET and puts it on the wife, while she  lays on the bed.

Oh!, where goes the hole you ask?. Well, use your imaginations. At that moment, hubby prays, "Allah give me the wisdom (to find it), and the strength (to plant it). Then, hoo hoo hoo is heard throughout the house. After which, the man gets up and prays, the same way as he does after each meal. 

Isn't the same way the Mullahs in Iran also conceive babies.? Let hear from you.

rosie is roxy is roshan

i'd asked marge a specific question about what her issue was,

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

if it was about the age of the kid or the ideological underpinnings. she said it was about the age. you started off by saying "the issue is" (or whatever word i used, meaning "issue") and didn't say that that was the issue for you. you implied it was the issue of the blog. marge said it wasn't. that's what i was asking and why i didn't comment on the rest. i had intended to go back and do it, i had a couple of other replies to very long posts people had written me and i didn't go back to them either and that is very unusal for me. to tell you the truth i have been having a hard time these past few days and i was very irritable that day. i realized my upsetting situation was spilling over into the site and i felt bad about it.


but as far as ahmadinejad is concerned his hr record is repulsive. to say that people are attacking him viciously implies that they shouldn['t be and i don't agree with that. he should be attacked viciously for that. i did say the problem was with the hypocrisy.

if you're trying to say i didn't read your post here carefully i think i put enough time and effort into it to show that i did try to.

as for the confabulation aspect:

so the Jewish fundamentalists are taking lessons from Mullas and the Jewish exterminators are just defending their rights against violent Arab terrorists who have had no reason to fight had it not been for Iranian terrorists arming and training them!

mehdi is probably confabulating when he says the first part but yes i believe you are confabulating the second part. the israeli jews don't see the u-o as being what they are because of anyone but themselves (mehdi's bus theory aside..). they detest them for who they are and what they do, act wierd and make trouble, all on their own.

it's true there is an element of what you say in what mehdi said but it's not the whole story. they have good reason to resent ahmadinejad's rhetoric on the holocaust on its own grounds whether iri arms hamas or not. israelis hardly blame iran for the is/pal situation overall (of course it looms large these days);  they have been blaming palestinians and whoever supports them for sixty years.

apolgies for any misunderstandings.


Who is confabulating?!

by Mehrnaz (not verified) on

Sorry, Rosie, I expected a bit more of you ... "no one should defend ahmadinejad's repulsive human rights beliefs, deeds and agendas just because a zionist may make fun of an u-o. truth is truth. it has no ideological basis. it is what it is". I noted last night on another blog, that you barged in without reading what I had written. Please read again if the truth matters to you ...

rosie is roxy is roshan

no, not kidding, but don't claim i'm necessarily right, either..

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

You must be kidding, no?! Regardless of whether or not 'some' of these ultra orthodox people or rabbis are anti-Zionist, to call them Taliban and referring to "Jewish Mullas" imply that even religious extremism in Israel can be ascribed to Muslim extremists!!!!! S

i can't speak for mehdi but as I MYSELF understood what he wrote he was using Taleban as an extreme criticism, a mocking of them, no more. iri is no taleban and as you know they hate them. i don't think calling these ultra-orthodox is the same as attributing the idiocies of these u-o as blameable on Muslims.

I do agree that it is highly improbable that Ahmadinejad taught them to segregate buses.but some of the leaders certainly have colluded with ahmadinejad. i assume mehdi is well aware that u-o fundamentalism is four hundred years old and their bizarre sexual taboos and separation have their own roots.

anyway i was the one who titled the thing israeli mullahs because they are doing the exact same thing as iri. unquestiionably. it is just an observation and an accurate one. i don't think by any means they learned it from ahmadinejad.


so the Jewish fundamentalists are taking lessons from Mullas and the Jewish exterminators are just defending their rights against violent Arab terrorists who have had no reason to fight had it not been for Iranian terrorists arming and training them!

this is pure confabulation. the ordinary israelis (not far right) and especially the liberal ones loathe and detest these u-o for exactly the reasons i said, they make trouble, not just by instigating violence but also by expanding the settlements in collusion with the government. many israelis want them deported back to the u.s. and have nothing but scorn for their beliefs and practices anyway.

Big deal that people in Israel dislike ultra-orthodox Jews.

no, not dislike, hate. i think it is a big deal. i think if they were deported back here it would help things a lot.

 The reason for this is that the majority of the Israeli population is secular, as is political Zionism itself. Not only does this secular nature belies the claim to the 'promised land' (sic)

zionism is a double-edged sword in this respect. it was founded as a secular movement but exploits the (spurious) biblical claim to propagate itself. so it can't be called a strictly secular movement in practice. even though the majority of israelis are secular (but won't be for long if those u-o don't stop having ten kids for the express, stated purpose of making more Jews. which is another reason so many israelis hate them. demographics. they don't want to be outnumbered by these people anymore than they want to be outnumbered by arabs.


ut the dislike of the ultra-Orthodox Jews does not wash away the reality of a brutal occupation, and the racist colonial nature of israel. It does not wash away the blood of numerous genocide committed by the secular Jewish state!!

i never said it did. but deporting them would help a lot. and that's one of the reasons even small changes in government are important in israel. the less far right you go the more willingness and also desire of many to dismantle these settlements you find.

As for the Anti-Zionist rabbis who met with Ahmadi-Nedjad and attended the Tehran conference, so what? So much to their credit. The fact of Ahmadi-Nedjad being a religious conservative in Iran and a hardliner is a completely separate matter to the vicious propaganda against him in the West labeling him as an anti-Semite and 'firebrand'. We are not ignorant New York Times readers who would screech shock horror every time Ahamdi-Nedjad is 'invoked'!

please go to a site called insight-info.org, click cartoons, look at the ones on vietnam, hiroshima and gaza and then look at the ones on the "holocaust" (which are largely gross caricatures of the jews anyway) and tell me who spreads propaganda.

go to any iranian human rights site or labor site...there is a huge wave of terrorization, flogging and imprisonment of union members. sufi sacred sites being destroyed? that akhavan cemetery? ahmadinejad deserves every spit in the face he gets for his domestic program and his holocaust cartoon contests etc. the only problem is that it is done by hypocrites but i am not one and i refuse to call him "Sir."

as for his foreign policy in general i think it is excellent although i do think it is time for EVERYONE to stop funding everybody militarily in Israel..otherwise the fighting will never end..


The matter of ultra-orthodoxy of the rabbis in Israel is a matter for Israelis but when that extends to divine claims to the land and right to genocide, that is everyone's business.

exactly why a wider understanding of reasons for the loathing and fear so many israelis have of them should be better understood. it's no conspiracy to blame anyone else, muslims, tahitians, eskimos..they just can't stand them for very good political reasons (not to mention that they are just plain creepy)

 The ultra-Orthodox anti-Zionist Jews in New York and in London do not support these crimes, even though their shock horror views on unisex buses might injure delicate sensibilities!!!!

agreed. and no one should defend ahmadinejad's repulsive human rights beliefs, deeds and agendas just because a zionist may make fun of an u-o. truth is truth. it has no ideological basis. it is what it is.

ahmadinead is what he is.


You must be kidding, no?!

by Mehrnaz (not verified) on

You must be kidding, no?! Regardless of whether or not 'some' of these ultra orthodox people or rabbis are anti-Zionist, to call them Taliban and referring to "Jewish Mullas" imply that even religious extremism in Israel can be ascribed to Muslim extremists!!!!! So the Jewish fundamentalists are taking lessons from Mullas and the Jewish exterminators are just defending their rights against violent Arab terrorists who have had no reason to fight had it not been for Iranian terrorists arming and training them!

Big deal that people in Israel dislike ultra-orthodox Jews. The reason for this is that the majority of the Israeli population is secular, as is political Zionism itself. Not only does this secular nature belies the claim to the 'promised land' (sic) but the dislike of the ultra-Orthodox Jews does not wash away the reality of a brutal occupation, and the racist colonial nature of israel. It does not wash away the blood of numerous genocide committed by the secular Jewish state!!

As for the Anti-Zionist rabbis who met with Ahmadi-Nedjad and attended the Tehran conference, so what? So much to their credit. The fact of Ahmadi-Nedjad being a religious conservative in Iran and a hardliner is a completely separate matter to the vicious propaganda against him in the West labeling him as an anti-Semite and 'firebrand'. We are not ignorant New York Times readers who would screech shock horror every time Ahamdi-Nedjad is 'invoked'!

The matter of ultra-orthodoxy of the rabbis in Israel is a matter for Israelis but when that extends to divine claims to the land and right to genocide, that is everyone's business. The ultra-Orthodox anti-Zionist Jews in New York and in London do not support these crimes, even though their shock horror views on unisex buses might injure delicate sensibilities!!!!


thanks Rosie and Mazloom

by Anonym7 (not verified) on

Many good points Rosie.
BTW Rosie, maybe one of those guys sold a 12 year horse to Mazloom, telling him it was only 6 years old! (see: //www.youtube.com/watch?v=gRdfX7ut8gw Fiddler on the roof).

rosie is roxy is roshan


by rosie is roxy is roshan on

Uh...first of all Mehdi has a small point. The ultra-Orthodox in Israel are the ones who cause a lot of the trouble because they live on the borders and they often start fights with INIVDIDALS or small grroups of Palestinians, which lead to the rocketing in retaliation and then it grows and grows, the cycle becoming more and more dangerous as Israel hits harder and harder. The Israeli people know about it and it is one reason why they are quite loathed by many.

In addition, these people not only come from New York, a couple of neighborhoods in Brooklyn, Boro Park, Williamsburg.but many of them are like some Iranians and they travel back and forth. They have a very strange position in Israel because many of them are anti-Zionist due to the accuracy of their scriptural interpretations, that the Jewish people won't return to the "homeland" until the coming of the Messiah. So they refuse to serve in the army (I believe as conscientious objectors) after causing so much trouble, and are often ridiculing the state. I did not know some of them didn't have passports, this surprised me. When I posted the feed, I was debating whether to call it Jewish or Israeli mullahs and I chose Israeli because I thought it wouldn't fan the flames of anti-Semitism. I did think the article was important (and funny too) so I posted it but I was leery of that aspect. If some don't have passports, though, they're not Israeli but I'd guess these do or the article would've said they don't.

There are many different Orthodoxsects and they have various beliefs. There is one sect in particular that is rabidly anti-Zionist and according o Mehdi these in the article are the ones who attended the Holocaust conference and met with Ahmadinejad. I don't know.

Be that as it may...by calling them Jewish Taleban Mehdi is providing you with very important information about the situation in Israel/Palestine on the ground and the Israeli mind.  These types of revelations provide insights which could lead to understanding and common ground. Which always helps in negotiations. The problem is that people dont't listen to each other. Mehdi and I have had several arguments in which we both felt that neither of us was listening to the other, but these arguments were of a different scale and scope. If Mehdi had spoken to me of a Jewish Taleban and I hadn't known about this situation I think I would've asked him to explain how and  why he could say such a thing 


Did you just make up that word?!

by Mehrnaz (not verified) on

No Capt. he is an operative of that same strategy that made the Taliban!!! So it rolls off his tongue like 'sugar' .... Roo keh nist, kaghaz sombaadas!!


Mazloom..... Say what?

by capt_ayhab on

[Many of these Jewish Talibans ]

Did you just make up that word??????


Mehdi Mazloom

the orthodox

by Mehdi Mazloom on

Agha, man-aa shomaa-ha khe'-jalatt midin. Obb-e' room-um raff ke?

Many of these Jewish Talibans  (Netorei Karta) have many of them also live  in Israel. As far as I know, they don't carry Israeli passports, nor speak Hebrew (Yiddish among themselves.). btw. Yiddish is a form of cowyboy talk among them.

We call them "the cowboys", becasuse of the four cornered shaal which they wear under their heavy coats .


hey Mazloom!

by Anonym7 (not verified) on

Mazloom, maybe you did too much dokhtar bazi (*) in the buses and pissed of the orthodox Jews?

* chasing girls


Mazloom, those jews live in New York not Israel

by Anonymous8 (not verified) on

hence they are antizionist.

nice try, but you lose this time. find another way to defend crimes of your beloved Israel.

Mehdi Mazloom

Here is where is all begun.

by Mehdi Mazloom on

Ahmadinejads meets Orthodox Jews in Tehran. That is when he told them to follow the Mullah own policy of separation of man and woman in Buses.

rosie is roxy is roshan

Ostaad, KB

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

Ostaad, I don't know if you know that a large part of my post below to Hajminator is directed to you.

KB sure you can call me Roshi. The funny thing is that a roshi is a e Zen master. I wish I had the equilibrium and wisdom of a Zen master. At one time in my life I had that opportunity to train for it but I forfeited it. Perhaps I made a mistake. Who knows?


The problem with organized religion

by KB on


is that you will get the zealots and the sycophants who take anything that anyone says literally

Thanks for the post Roshi Jaan (if I may call you Roshi), and your comments are spot on.

rosie is roxy is roshan

Oh Hajminator, don't forget the Christian fundis. Prepare for

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

the Rapture. And extremist atheists. The Gang of Four were no fun. I just found the specific idea of segregated buses comical since these ultra-Orthodox are the ones who cause so much of the trouble on the borders of the OT, with the IRI connection...

Ostaad,as for the Muslims learning this from the Jews, in the sense that Islam comes from Judaism and Christianity (with a sprinkle of Mazdaism) on a substratum of ancestral Arabian tribal traditions, due to the trade routes through the Hijaz, yes of course Islam took a lot from Judaism. nncluding its stonings and so on, but the Jews in turn shared that with the Babylonians and many other Middle Eastern civilizations of antiquity. It was nothing unusual. (Even the Greeks had complete segregation of women).

But today's ultra-Orthodox are a central and eastern European phenomenon, a revival from the 17th century which had its roots in a paradox, increased assimilation along with increased persecution. Islam had by then had its own segregation and veilings and stonings for a thousand years. Oscillating of course with more liberal periods, as does every culture. Certain Ummayad and Abassid dynasties were the light of the world, others were its darkness.



by Hajminator on

Extremism is beyond religions, it’s just a matter of humanity. Now imagine that you hold different extremist groups from Pakistan to Israel,... Sunnis, Shies, orthodox Jews, ... All Mazlooms in a confined area...


Guess who...

by Ostaad on

the Muslims learned all this from?



by capt_ayhab on

Crazy religious numnut everywhere I suppose