Iranian gets 5-plus years in night goggle case
06-Mar-2009 (2 comments)

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (AP) — An Iranian woman who surrendered to U.S. authorities hoping to get probation was instead sentenced Friday to more than five years in federal prison for her role in a scheme to smuggle military night-vision goggles to Iran.

U.S. District Judge James I. Cohn imposed the sentence on 31-year-old Shahrazad Mir Gholikhan, a mother of twin daughters who insisted during her trial in December that she was innocent. She has already spent more than a year behind bars, which will count toward her sentence of five years and three months.

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rosie is roxy is roshan

You know I posted on this quite some time ago but it

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

wasn't featured, I suppose before her sentencing it didn't seem that important (not to say that at times things of great import are not featured but I think in this case it's safe to say that that was the legitmate reason...) Thanks for the update. I wasn't aware of the outcome.-


Nooshe joonesh

by Well wisher (not verified) on

Wonder what will happen to the money she pocketed for this smuggling transaction?