Breaking Gaza´s Will: Israel´s Enduring Fantasy
Los Angeles Chronicle / Ramzy Baroud
07-Mar-2009 (one comment)

"I paused as I reached a horrifying photo in the slideshow of a young
boy and his sister huddled on a single hospital trolley waiting to be
identified and buried. Their faces were darkened as if they were
charcoal and their lifeless eyes were still widened with the horror
that they experienced as they were burned slowly by a white phosphorus

recommended by capt_ayhab


Mehdi Mazloom

It is on both side

by Mehdi Mazloom on

capt. you never fail to amaze me with your kosse' sherri. It is so easy to pull the rug under you feet. Here.

The same new article could also read as follow : (The same exact asrtcle with names changed).


Breaking Gaza´s Will: Israel´s Enduring Fantasy Ramzy Baroud March 07, 2009

My three-year-old son Sammy walked into my room uninvited as I sorted through another batch of fresh photos from Gaza.

I was looking for a specific image, one that would humanise
Palestinians as living, breathing human beings, neither masked nor
mutilated. But to no avail.

All the photos I received spoke of the reality that is Gaza today -
homes, schools and civilian infrastructure bombed beyond description.
All the faces were either of dead or dying people.

I paused as I reached a horrifying photo in the slideshow of a young
boy and his sister huddled on a single hospital trolley waiting to be
identified and buried. Their faces were darkened as if they were
charcoal and their lifeless eyes were still widened with the horror
that they experienced as they were burned slowly by a white phosphorus


Breaking Sderot´s Will: Hamas´s Enduring Fantasy

Ramzy Al delusion bin Baroud

March 07, 2009

My three-year-old son Samuel walked into my room uninvited as I sorted through another batch of fresh photos which could have been from Sderot or Ashdod .

I was looking for a specific image, one that would humanise children of Ashdod and Sderot as living, breathing human beings, neither masked nor
mutilated. But to no avail.

All the photos I received spoke of the reality that is Sderot today -
Hamas's rocket attackes on their homes, schools and civilian infrastructure thretened beyond description.

I paused as I reached a horrifying photo in the slideshow of a young
boy and his sister huddled on a single hospital trolley waiting to be
itreated. Their faces were darkened with fear and truama as if they were
charcoal and their eyes were still widened with the horror
that they experienced from the constans barrage of senseless rockets on their homes, schools, and playgrounds.