Vatican says washing machine brought rights to women
The Sunday Morning Herald /
09-Mar-2009 (5 comments)

The washing machine has had a greater liberating role for women than the pill, the official Vatican daily said in an International Women's Day commentary.

"The washing machine and the emancipation of women: put in the powder, close the lid and relax," said the headline on the article in Osservatore Romano.

recommended by capt_ayhab


anonymous fish


by anonymous fish on

i didn't know we WERE arguing...:-0

i was just making a rather facetious comment to begin with.  the article came across to me as a bit sarcastic... you know, like "whoo hoo, the Vatican says washing machines gave women rights".  i took it as a bit of sarcastic criticism of the Church when all they said was that washing machines liberated women from the drudgery of hand washing and freed up their time.  no biggie...;-)

but.  having said that, i do believe there is a very nasty habit, both in mainstream media and on, of posting provocative titles that don't necessarily reflect the intention of the article. 

as i said and i'll leave it at that... i was merely being a bit smart ass.



by capt_ayhab on

So what are we arguing about? I am not getting your point.


anonymous fish


by anonymous fish on

e·man·ci·pat·ed , e·man·ci·pat·ing , e·man·ci·pates

  1. To free from bondage, oppression, or restraint; liberate.
  2. Law To release (a child) from the control of parents or a guardian.

i guess we'll just disagree on it's intended usage.  and with all due respect, i don't find wiki to be incredibly accurate.  i think it's pretty subjective.  however, in this case and as it refers to womens emancipation, it's not a right which was achieved by the invention of a washing machine.. but time and convenience. and the vatican didn't use the word... the author did.




by capt_ayhab on

What does the word Emancipation refer to?

Emancipation is a term used to describe various efforts to obtain political rights or equality, often for a specifically disenfranchised group, or more generally in discussion of such matters.



anonymous fish

see... another problem with incorrect titles!

by anonymous fish on

the article itself didn't refer to "rights" in any way, shape or form.  another reader lead astray!

but make no mistake... as far as emancipation is concerned, heck yeah, i'd put it up there along with the pill any day of the week!

so.  the Vatican remains correct.  :-)