Interpol reviews Iran request for Israeli arrests
Reuters / Crispian Balmer
11-Mar-2009 (7 comments)

PARIS (Reuters) - Iran has asked Interpol for help in tracking down 25 senior Israeli officials in relation to the recent Gaza offensive,the international police organization said in a statement on Tuesday.Interpol said it was reviewing the request to make sure it did notbreach rules that prevent the body from making "any intervention or activities of a political, military, religious or racial character."

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Mehdi Mazloom

JusticeForAll - You are a gullible

by Mehdi Mazloom on

The whole world has been Watching Hamas and PLO dysfunctional leadership and its so-called concern for the Pal. By now every one else had come to realize that, Hamas leadership deliberately and intentionally provokes the Israelis with its useless rockets onto Israel. Challenge IDF to come into Gaza, with complete disregard to the lives of their own women and children, and hide behind them. 

And when Israel does take decisive action to stop the rockets, Hamas leaders take their own families and go into hiding in deep bunkers dug under Hospitals, Schools and other public buildings. Then after they got their punishment, they show the dead bodies of their civilian, with the aim and purpose of inducing gullible like you to come here and write these:

....... 450 children it killed, 1300 civilians it massacred. Where is the
justice for Palestinians? And mehdi mazloom is an ignorant, arrogant
mouthpiece of Israeli regime, the most hated racist regime.


How nice of the Islamic Republic of Iran

by BK (not verified) on

to stand up so vigorously for the rights of the Palestinian people.

If only it cared half as much for the rights of the Iranian people!


Today the criminal regime of Israel bombed Rafah in Gaza again

by JusticeForAll (not verified) on

Many more were arrested in the occupied West Bank. This inhuman, racist regime has to answer for 15000 homes it destroyed, 450 children it killed, 1300 civilians it massacred. Where is the justice for Palestinians? And mehdi mazloom is an ignorant, arrogant mouthpiece of Israeli regime, the most hated racist regime.

Mehdi Mazloom

If you would stand back for

by Mehdi Mazloom on

If you would stand back for a moment and think. It is Hamas itself whom invites the type of treatment which it gets from Israel. 

No provocation, not retaliations. Hamas will serve its people in Gaza far better  if it concentrates on building the economy of Gaza, to provide the Pals with better standard of living. Instead of being so stupid and provoke the Israelis such so they can show how hero they are.

Hamas like its predecessors. Never misses an opportunity to miss an opportunity. Another squandered chance for the Pals gone down the drain.


Criminal Israelis must be brought to justice one way or....

by JusticeForAll (not verified) on

The arrogance and ignorance of some of the Israeli supporters is amazing!

Courts in Spain and some other Euroupean countries are already following the charges brought against Israeli leader and generals. Israel has adviced them not to travel abroad. They have to be brought to justice just like the rest of blood thirsty criminals.

Mehdi Mazloom

Interpol "review"

by Mehdi Mazloom on

Look who is talking about crimes against other defenseless civilians.


Any Israeli artifacts

by Abarmard on

That could be auctioned in the mean time?;)