Parents of imprisoned journalist heading to Iran
31-Mar-2009 (2 comments)

The father of imprisoned journalist Roxana Saberi and his wife are leaving Fargo for a trip to Iran to see their daughter and speed her release. Reza Saberi said he and his wife, Akiko, were scheduled to leave Fargo for Washington, D.C. Monday afternoon. They hope to be in Tehran by Wednesday. "We are hearing that they are going to speed up the process," Reza Saberi said of Iranian officials. "There's still some work to do."

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Kaveh Nouraee

Good Question

by Kaveh Nouraee on

BK, you pose a very valid and appropriate question. Unfortunately, it is one with no clear answer, and as long as there remains an absence of unity, there shall be no clear answer.

It never ceases to amaze, but mostly anger and enrage me, that so little attention is paid by Iranians here to incidents back home such as these, while such great emphasis is placed elsewhere.


How long

by BK (not verified) on

will the arbitrary arrest and imprisonment of people in Iran whose only guilt is to fall foul of the regime's dubious activities and wraped ideology continue?

How long are people prepared to put up with this repression?

Regardless, JJ as usual kudos for highlighting such issues. I sincerely hope Roxana Saberi's unjustified suffering ends and she is released soon.