Can Iran Change?
The New Yorker / Jon Lee Anderson
06-Apr-2009 (3 comments)

The election this summer will help determine whether Iran’s fractures—at home and abroad—can be repaired through moderation and compromise, or whether the regime will continue to sustain itself through coercion. Shariatmadari, the Supreme Leader’s representative, said that he had no doubt that Ahmadinejad would be reëlected. “He has a special place among the masses—especially among the masses,” he said. “Others will come against him, but none can compete with Ahmadinejad.”

Javad Yassari

Don't miss this read

by Javad Yassari on

This is a typically long piece, but I recommend it for it's a very interesting and well-researched and articulated article. Don't forget to also watch The New Yorker's Audio Slideshow on the subject, "The Prodigal Son."




sounds like he will get reelected

by IRANdokht on

The IRI doesn't even claim to be democratic when they have a Vali Fagheeh with total control of the 3 branches of the government and the army.

The only difference that a president can bring is to the people of the country and maybe the image they present but the foreign policy won't change. 

AN got 62% of the votes last time, with another boycott of the elections, he might actually gain a higher percentage this time. I just love how our brave opposition groups validate these akhounds and their puppets and help them look more popular in the eyes of the world... don't you? 



Narmak is in South Tehran now? he lives next to my uncle!

by gol-dust on

The neighbors like him. Some (more educated) curse him, but mostly like him, since they believe he is not a thief and pupet like rafsanjani and others. Even though I don't like him, but based on what i saw, he would unfortunately get re-elected!