Israel: No objection to West's talks with Tehran
10-Apr-2009 (8 comments)

Israel does not object to talks between the West andIran intended to stop Iran's nuclearization, as long as Iran does not take advantage of these talks, a top source in Benjamin Netanyahu's government told Haaretz Thursday.

recommended by Ostaad


anonymous fish

it was the french ambassador

by anonymous fish on

"An international spat has developed over disparaging comments about Israel allegedly made by the French ambassador to London at a private dinner party.

He has no intention of apologising - he doesn't feel there is any need for him to do so

Yves Charpentier
French embassy

During a conversation about the Middle East crisis with the owner of the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Conrad Black, ambassador Daniel Bernard is reported to have spoken about "that shitty little country Israel".

The buffet party comment subsequently became the subject of a Daily Telegraph column written by Mr Black's wife, journalist Barbara Amiel, who depicted her guest as an anti-Semite."

but what do you expect from the french.

There is nothing lower than the human race...except for the French." - Mark Twain 1878-79


Ostaad !

by Fatollah (not verified) on

Do not seize the super title, it's used by a former French ambassador whos name I don't recall and whom used that line for the first time when Sharon was on alive and kicking and in charge! just imagine what happened next! :-)


Mazloom, Ostaad only gave an example!

by Mehrnaz (not verified) on

I agree with you (!?) that Haaretz is a good publication. However, its guidelines for comments are ludicrous for the! I believe Ostaad just provided an example to think about and adapt to this site, but if he meant it, I totally disagree! Just look at this:

"Comments containing the following will be automatically disqualified:

1. Personal attacks, vulgarities and profanities directed at other respondents.

2. Statements terming Israelis or Palestinians and their leaders
Nazis, or accusing them of genocide or ethnic cleansing.

3. Statements which may be construed as urging attacks on Israeli or
Palestinian leaders, officials, security forces or civilians.

4. Comments of an anti-Semitic, anti-Muslim, anti-Arab or other racist nature."

1. is very good but unlikely to be enforced on this site! You for one, have had your good share of using abusive language and profanities! However, it has been up to the taste and standards of the censor on duty to decide what is or is not a profanity or personal attack. I have at times been utterly baffled by the inconsistency.
2. That does not apply either. Palestinians have not acted like Nazis whereas Israelis have!! Palestinians have not committed genocide and ethnic cleansing, but Israelis have!!
3. I agree entirely and that should include (for relevance to this site) Iranians!!
4. Can't agree more. But again, this is rife on this site and there seems to be a grey area what is considered as anti-Semitic, at least according to Haaretz, but when it comes to Islam and Arabs, it is free to kick for all ...

I agree that there should definitely be clear and fair guidelines.

Mehdi Mazloom

ostaad, I am all with you on that

by Mehdi Mazloom on

excellent input. I am all for rational and mature debates. I already have had my exchanges with others (rosie in particular) of the use of name "nazi".

Indeed, the Israeli paper Ha'aretz is well respected and read by not only the Israelis, also by Israel's own detractors as well. It is considered as an open and fair minded publication.


JJ or the site's moderator, in this case "saansoor chi".

by Ostaad on


-My Super Title for this post was: The "shitty little country" that wouldn't shut up

-It was changed to something else

The term "shitty little country" was first used by the former mayor of London and had appeared EXACTLY that way in the world press. That is why I had enclosed it in QUOTES!

It is a pity and a big problem for this site, which I like very much, not to have a clear and defined policy. That policy should be posted and easily accessible to those who want to post items on this site.

Here's an examples:

Haaretz Guidelines for publication of comments:

The Talkback feature is intended to enable our readers to respond to
articles, voice their opinions, and discuss them with other readers.

Political orientation will have absolutely no bearing on whether a
comment is posted or rejected.

Comments containing the following will be automatically disqualified:

1. Personal attacks, vulgarities and profanities directed at other respondents.

2. Statements terming Israelis or Palestinians and their leaders
Nazis, or accusing them of genocide or ethnic cleansing.

3. Statements which may be construed as urging attacks on Israeli or
Palestinian leaders, officials, security forces or civilians.

4. Comments of an anti-Semitic, anti-Muslim, anti-Arab or other racist nature.


I'd rather have my entire post be removed, for valid reasons not undeclared rules or just personal taste, than being messed with in such an unprofessional manner.

Since I'm at it, I suggest to put a maximum limit on the number or words/characters that each post can contain. I'm sure you know the reasons why.

Looking forward for your feedback.

Mehdi Mazloom

Israelis are like everyone else

by Mehdi Mazloom on

gol-tast writes:

Who the hell do they think they are? I guess, they couldnt push biden
and obama as much as they wanted to! Wait and see what they come up
with next!

1. Israelis are just like everyone else, who wish to live in peace and harmony with their neighbors. Don't provoke them, they won't respond with force.

2. It is a well known fact that, Arabs have kept the Pals in concentration camps since 1948, just to maintain the flame of hatred against the Jew, whom euphemistically label "zionists".

Suffice to examine how 2.3M refugees from Iraq, whom were expelled by their own neighbor, were treated by the Syrian and Jordanian brethren. and how they were treated like humans. With their Arab generosities, they provided them with food and shelter.

Compare that to the treatment of the Pals. Only Jordan had agreed to absorb them, and no one else.

3. Had Arabs accepted UN Resolution 181, back in 1947, today State of Palestine woiuld have been celebrating its 60th birthday, as an independent and sovereign state, along side state of Israel.

4. There is lot going on between US  & Israel, then pundits would like to admit. US did not get tired and no mo-zakh-raffi.

5. For the 1000 time. The Arab/Iran and Israeli conflict is not as much about land, or occupation. It is about a state of mind.

Had Arabs and Islamist would have problem only with the  Israelis living in ME, one could make a reasonable and palatable  argument to that effect.

The reality is, no minority group is safe or enjoys freedom under these Islamists, which validate my argument above.    


After Biden told Israel to shut the f...up, Israel says it's ok!

by gol-dust on

Who the hell do they think they are? I guess, they couldnt push biden and obama as much as they wanted to! Wait and see what they come up with next!

Mehdi Mazloom

Why should they shut up?

by Mehdi Mazloom on

The  Mullahs have  been threatening the existence of his country. subverting other countries in the ME. Why should the Israelis shut up.

I still maintain that, the life of this fundamentalist regime is limited. They are on borrowed time. It will not be  long, before the brave Iranian people will rise up and throw these bums out, and replace them with the secular government worthy of their trust and respect.

This regime has been nothing, but an embarrassment to 90% of those Iranian who are not beneficiaries to the larges of this corrupt and decadent regime.

Instead of attacking another democratic state 1000 km away from Iran, you should join other Iranians patriots living in and outside Iran, and who love their country, and wish to see it re-join the civilization, and away from these  backwards who turned Iran into one big jail,