U.S. May Drop Key Condition for Talks With Iran
NY Times

U.S. May Drop Key Condition for Talks With Iran

function getSharePasskey() { return 'ex=1397448000&en=01cd6572bce8aef8&ei=5124';} function getShareURL() { return encodeURIComponent('//www.nytimes.com/2009/04/14/world/middleeast/14diplo.html'); } function getShareHeadline() { return encodeURIComponent('U.S. May Drop Key Condition for Talks With Iran'); } function getShareDescription() { return encodeURIComponent('New proposals would allow Tehran to continue enriching uranium during negotiations, officials say, a sharp break from the Bush administration’s approach.'); } function getShareKeywords() { return encodeURIComponent('Uranium,United States International Relations,Nuclear Weapons,International Relations,Iran,United States,International Atomic Energy Agency,Barack Obama'); } function getShareSection() { return encodeURIComponent('world'); } function getShareSectionDisplay() { return encodeURIComponent('International / Middle East'); } function getShareSubSection() { return encodeURIComponent('middleeast'); } function getShareByline() { return encodeURIComponent('By DAVID E. SANGER'); } function getSharePubdate() { return encodeURIComponent('April 14, 2009'); }
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