«احمدی‌نژاد پاسخگوی نقض حقوق اقلیت‌ها باشد»
Radio Zamaneh / ایرج ادیب‌زاده
23-Apr-2009 (one comment)

کنفرانس پنج روزه‌ی ضد‌نژادپرستی سازمان ملل از امروز بیستم آوریل در ژنو سوییس کار خود را به‌طور رسمی آغاز می‌کند. در این ارتباط با خانم دایان علایی، نماینده‌ی جامعه‌ی بهایی در سازمان ملل گفت و گو کردم.


Wrong person Right message

by alborz on

In a country with a single caucasian race, Ahmadinejad has the audacity to lecture on racism and remain silent on Iran's dismal record, by all measures, in every other aspect of civil society.

The hypocrisy is not lost on the world and this mockery will be soon be answered in the next crisis that Iran is destined to face.

In an interdependent world, Ahmadinejad's prophetic and empty slogans wil be answered with a deafening silence at Iran's time of need.

As no nation is exempt from the consequences of the attrocities it perpetrates, I grieve for the people of Iran.

