Netanyahu would seem to prescribe genocide for Iran / Philip Weiss
19-May-2009 (2 comments)

After all, the biblically ordained way to deal with the Amalekites is not through “smart but tough” diplomacy, “crippling” sanctions, or even precise and targeted military strikes. Rather, it is through root-and-branch extermination — that is, wiping Iran off the map.

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by Anonymous visitor (not verified) on

Haman was an Agagite, which is considered part of the Amalek family, and he tried to kill the Jews of Persia. Thats why the Jews killed 75,000 Persians.

Hamid Y. Javanbakht

The Persians Were Not the Amalekites

by Hamid Y. Javanbakht on

He sure knows how to distort biblical history, the Persians have done more to help the Jews than any other group, could it be that history only lives in the dynamic imagination of observers?



