مـوسـوي بـا اشـاره بـه ايـنـكـه قـومـيتهاي ما لباسهاي محلي خود را با افتخار ميپوشند و بـه زبـان مـحـلـي خـود صـحـبـت مـيكنند، با تاكيد بر گسترش فضا در سطح ملي و از بين بردن سوءظنها تـصريح كرد: دولت چه در مورد اقوام و چه در رابطه با كـل كـشـور بـايـد قـويـا از آزاديهاي مصرح در قانون اسـاسـي دفـاع كـنـد و هـمـه بـايـد در جـهـت كم كردن اثرات سوء رقابتهاي درون اقوام كمك كنند.
مـوسـوي، تـوزيـع عـادلانـه ثـروت، امكان مشاركت در اداره كـشـور و حـفظ منزلت را از مطالبات اقوام ايراني دانـسـت و افـزود: خـود اقـوام نـيـز بـايد تلاش كنند كه ذهـنـيـت جـامـعـه را نسبت به مسئله قوميتها عوض كـنـنـد. اهـمـيـت دادن بـه يـك قوم يا زبان يا پيگيري مـطالبات آنها هيچ تضادي با عظمت انقلاب اسلامي نـدارد و بايد اين امر را به يك وجدان عمومي در سطح جامعه تبديل كنيم.
Person | About | Day |
نسرین ستوده: زندانی روز | Dec 04 | |
Saeed Malekpour: Prisoner of the day | Lawyer says death sentence suspended | Dec 03 |
Majid Tavakoli: Prisoner of the day | Iterview with mother | Dec 02 |
احسان نراقی: جامعه شناس و نویسنده ۱۳۰۵-۱۳۹۱ | Dec 02 | |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Prisoner of the day | 46 days on hunger strike | Dec 01 |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Graffiti | In Barcelona | Nov 30 |
گوهر عشقی: مادر ستار بهشتی | Nov 30 | |
Abdollah Momeni: Prisoner of the day | Activist denied leave and family visits for 1.5 years | Nov 30 |
محمد کلالی: یکی از حمله کنندگان به سفارت ایران در برلین | Nov 29 | |
Habibollah Golparipour: Prisoner of the day | Kurdish Activist on Death Row | Nov 28 |
Fred, good effort but no cigar
by Ostaad on Sun May 24, 2009 08:23 AM PDTAre you saying AIPAC's ONLY goal is to bankrupt Iran not bomb it?! How is THAT goal going to help the Iranian people whom you pretend to be "really" concerned about?
Let me confess that comparing to our duplicitous Arab "brothers" Israel is a much better "ally" for Iran, but not when it is doing its best to prevent Iran to attain its righful position of power and security in the region. Let's not pretend IRI is the only reason why Israel has become such an enemy of Iran, Israel would do its best to crush ANY Iranian government that aspired to to be independent and powerful.
It is high time Israel realized the region's geopolitics center of gravity has shifted East. The construction of oil and gas pipelines, existence of mass markets for Western and Eastern goods and services and being in a strong position to control of the terrorist groups and narcotics-related money have all made Iran the focus of attention. Israel, unfortunately due to the shortsightedness of its leaders has become an obstacle for peace and stability by becoming a huge part of the problem instead of the solution.
It is important to remember, even for diehard Zionist apologists like you, that AIPAC's position shifted to the sanctions AFTER their incessant lobbying efforts on behalf of the Zionist regime to push the US towards war with Iran met a certain death.
Don't assume everyone has been struck by acute political Alzheimer as you have.
Islamist hot air
by Fred on Sat May 23, 2009 01:34 AM PDTHere the Islamist goes again with the plural pronoun, “we have no proof”. Again, put up the “proof” as it relates to Iran or pipe down. And again again, still nothing on the record of the green color loving Islamist horsey?
oh No, Fred. We have no proof!
by Q on Fri May 22, 2009 06:13 PM PDTNeedless to say the various Islamists/Anti-Semites and their likeminded lefty allies created content does not constitute proof.
You caught me! I only had antisemite material to show AIPAC does not have Iran's best interest in mind! In fact everything that has been said about AIPAC has been by antisemites or "lefty allies" (some of whom are quite "righty"). To this vague generalization we can presumabely add "self hating Jews", "distinguished professors" and "respected scholars".
But who are these anti semites and lefty allies, self-hating jews? How can we recognize them so we can exclude their voices as Fred commands?
It's the ones who are criticizing AIPAC and Israel of course! Duh!
Tell me Fred, are you familiar with the geometric concept of a circle? Or is it "all triangles all the time" for you my friend?
“full length blog with supporting evidence…” A lefty did one, now it is the Islamist’s turn. Soon there will be a need for a tab dedicated to the genre.
What lefty? Sounds like I missed a good read. But hey, Fred, heaven forbid some "supporting evidence" ever enter the blogs! The things you are allergic to, are mind boggling!
Interesting to see your righteous protestations about "accusatory tone" last all but a brief moment in time, slightly longer than AIPAC's legitimacy.
Put up or pipe down
by Fred on Fri May 22, 2009 05:53 PM PDTJust to be clear, it is on those who demonize Islamist republic’s strategic enemy, AIPAC, and cheer on the IRI’s created lobbies formed to counter it have to prove their point. Just saying AIPAC is for bombing Iran or that Israel is planning to breakup Iran or that they are funding this or that Iranian terror group is not good enough. It has become an article of faith among the usual crowd to peddle these assumptions without bothering to show proof.
Israel is Iran’s natural/strategic ally and no PhD dissertation or crafty worded essays can overcome this self evident fact. Bottom line is AIPAC is a strong proponent of ILSA, the Libya part of it is now moot. All the Islamist lobbies are formed to repeal that stumbling block opening the way for the U.S. based oil conglomerates to cut a deal with the ruling Islamists ensuring their rule’s longevity.
Should the presumably peace loving, human rights desiring while status quo craving nascent Iranian nationalists have any proof as far as it is related to Iran’s national interest as opposed to those of the IRI should put up or pipe down.
Needless to say the various Islamists/Anti-Semites and their likeminded lefty allies created content does not constitute proof. BTW still nothing on the record of the green color loving Islamist horsey?
Ps. “full length blog with supporting evidence…” A lefty did one, now it is the Islamist’s turn. Soon there will be a need for a tab dedicated to the genre.
oh Fred, I'm sorry, you don't like accusatory tones???
by Q on Fri May 22, 2009 04:49 PM PDTI'm sorry. Since you are such a kind, brave, and polite individual and have never used accusatory tones toward anybody, especially people with real names and careers, and in the rare occasion that you have "constructively" questioned people about being "Islamist" and "IRI agents", you have provided nothing short of full evidence, I don't see why anyone would be accusatory toward you.
Yes, you are right, you are the victim here.
Also it's not like calling you "pro-AIPAC" was something you yourself have claimed or anything, right?
only an Islamist hypocrite can frame his question in an accusatory tone.
LOL! You mean like this?
Does the resident Islamist have anything to say about the abysmal public record of his Islamist horsey?
Let's get a few things straight. When it comes to "accusatory tones" you really have no other tone that you have ever expressed! The idea of you getting upset over an accusation (a fair one in this case, at least according to your own words), is one of the funniest things I have ever heard.
mistaken if they think their M.O. of calling all their oppositions as members of MEK cult and a follower of its leader is going to work anymore.
Actually, since there is a documented operational relationship between AIPAC and MEK, and evidence of Israeli funding of MEK and other terrorist groups, this "MO" is going to work just fine. You either think we are too stupid to understand that MEK is a wholly owned subsidiray of Israel and Israel-suppoting neocons at this point, or you are trying to hide this fact. But there's no hiding it.
If you are "pro AIPAC", you are "pro MEK". If you call AIPAC "pro Iranian" you are saying funding Rajavi is a "pro Iranian" thing to do.
This has gone beyond Fred's usual procedure of changing subject, diverting attention and character assassination with a few kicks at NIAC for good measure. I don't know what finally happened lately to bring Fred out of his "operation mode" shell and talk about himself as "pro AIPAC", but this deserves it's own full length blog with supporting evidence, including his two "confessions".
Fred aziz
by IRANdokht on Fri May 22, 2009 03:34 PM PDTyour outbursts are usually amusing while your twisted and repetative slogans even sound cute sometimes! So as usual I was reading your response with a smile on my face until I got to #4... Chehsmet roozeh bad nabineh... my smile froze instantly, my eyes popped out of my head just before my jaw dropped and hit the keyboard. Now AIPAC is looking out for Iranians? is that in this universe where we live or some parallel one where AIPAC is not egging US on to bomb the heck out of Iran? Are you really proud supporting them despite their desire to kill innocent iranians?
do tell Fred
by capt_ayhab on Fri May 22, 2009 10:56 AM PDT[4-The AIPAC lobby has consistently been against the Islamist republic and pro-Iranians all along].
Why don't you even claim that AIPAC's charter and their formations has been solely for the benefit of Iran. We all can attest to this by the name of it mage na?
how Iranian Nation are going to return this much generosity?
Whitewashing Islamist style
by Fred on Fri May 22, 2009 10:02 AM PDTThe resident Islamist says: “You already admitted you were "pro AIPAC", now tell us how you really fell about Rajavi and MEK. People deserve to know where you knee-jerk reactions come from.”
1- In a response to a comment on his Islamist horse who claims to want to abolish their routine accusatory way of treating their enslaved Iranian citizens only an Islamist hypocrite can frame his question in an accusatory tone.
2-Islamists have a hard time to speak on their own behalf and always see fit to speak for many ergo the resident Islamist’s use of plural pronoun us.
3-The Islamists are sadly mistaken if they think their M.O. of calling all their oppositions as members of MEK cult and a follower of its leader is going to work anymore. They’ve murdered plenty Iranians with the use of the same labeling.
4-The AIPAC lobby has consistently been against the Islamist republic and pro-Iranians all along, till they are on that track, to the chagrin of Islamists and their lobbies, I ‘m proud to be labeled as pro-AIPAC & Israel. Should their stand change, I’ll be as Anti-them as I am against the Islamist republic.
5-Does the resident Islamist have anything to say about the abysmal public record of his Islamist horsey?
You both have something to explain
by Mazdak (not verified) on Fri May 22, 2009 09:34 AM PDTFred's knee jerk reactions are legendary on this site. Regardless of Moussavi's past (and it can't be forgotten or whitewashed) his platform is more reasoable than Ahamdinejad. You may think of the whole regime as evil but the difference maybe between Stalin and Khurushchov. There is a difference and if Moussavi wins it may affect the lives of ordinary Iranians for the better, if not those of the Starbuck's patriots and radcials. But, Q, if you're going to demand Fred to fess up about the MEK, then why don't you fess up about Moussavi's (or Rafsanjani's) record in the past 30 years? Their role in prison massacres, the so-called cultural revolution, etc.?
Fred jan
by Q on Fri May 22, 2009 08:23 AM PDTYou already admitted you were "pro AIPAC", now tell us how you really fell about Rajavi and MEK.
People deserve to know where you knee-jerk reactions come from.
سبز مالی کردن
FredFri May 22, 2009 03:30 AM PDT
" از بین می برم " آنهم از سوی شخصی که در دوران صدارت اعظمیش به نقل از نفر دوم رژیم اسلامی در آن زمان، آیت الله منتظری، هزاران زندانی از بین برده و به قتل رسیده اند و از جمله دیگر فعالیتهای مشعشعش شراکت در از بین بردن آمال و آرزوهای صدها هزار دانش پژوه و اخراج ( پاکسازی) صدها استاد دلسوز زبده در لوای انقلاب فرهنگی بوده چندان خوش خیم و امیدوار کننده نمیباشد.
جای آنست که جنابشان که از قرار به هنر نقاشی مزین و به رنگ سبز عنایت خاصی دارند بجای " از بین بردن "، از رنگ کردن مردم، رنگ مالی و بهتر از همه سبز مالی کردن استفاده کنند.