Cheney on gay marriage: 'Freedom for everyone'
01-Jun-2009 (16 comments)

WASHINGTON – Former Vice President Dick Cheney said Monday he supports gays being able to marry but believes states, not the federal government, should make the decision.

"I think, you know, freedom means freedom for everyone," Cheney said in a speech at the National Press Club. "I think people ought to be free to enter into any kind of union they wish, any kind of arrangement they wish."

Cheney, who has a gay daughter, said marriage has always been a state issue.

"And I think that's the way it ought to be handled today, that is, on a state-by-state basis. Different states will make different decisions. But I don't have any problem with that. I think people ought to get a shot at that," he said.

Cheney spent most of his speech, and during the questions and answers that followed, defending the Bush administration's wartime policies.

He said that the jail at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base in Cuba was necessary because its prisoners are too dangerous to be held elsewhere.

"If you don't have a place where you can hold these people, the only other option is to kill them, and we don't operate that way," he said.

The 24... >>>

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Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

You need to learn some manners, before someone comes to teach them to you.

No one is trying to be a bully to you. Especially me, because you simply are not worth the time.

You are an uneducated, uninformed child, someone who hears a word and thinks that he knows its meaning. The truth is, you cannot tell which way is up and which way is down.

So live your life however you wish, and I'll do the same. There's no chance I'll ever lower myself to run in the same social circles as someone like you, so it's very unlikely that you and I will ever meet, unless as I said before, I ever need someone to park cars when I have a party.

You and I are done speaking to one another. Don't mention me in any future posts, and do not address me.


neo con

by nojanthegreat on

It's sad that you go out of your way to limit your options simply because you think "you don't need it".

what are you talking about ? limiting my options ?

and about neo con :

neo con or neoconservatism goes back to 1921 . they are like conservatism but they don’t really mind the whole welfare system.

they are ok with use of military or economy for westernizing ( supposedly democracy and human right ) other places in the world. they really start with Vietnam war.

they were angry at hippies who didn’t care about Vietnam or any kind of intervention. they didn’t like McGovern democrat's candidate in election( he was anti war) .

in 1970's they got into Reagan’s circle. In first they wanted maybe to bring liberty to people I don’t know but in the end , starting in 80's they got so anti communist that they worked and supported anti communist regimes even if most of them have human right issues .

they really fucked it up when they did Iran contra thing and they lost their place in the politic in late 80 , early 90's. they were not ok with bush the father too. they really hated saddam that why the whole second desert storm happened . and hate china too . they were part of blue team which was behind selling guns to Taiwan against china’s request to not getting involved in the island politic. They were mostly secular but to please American church they did some anti Darwin researches too. what a dushbags .and they got what they needed in bush jr administration. so we are in this two wars and this bad economy , so this people try to save other countries.

This people want to build American empire . They also are behind school of the Americas which is in Georgia , usa ( fort benning) . This school was and is being use for training Latin officer. Most of them which were involved in war crime inside their countries against the rebels and people. Churchill ( British war mongering prime minister) and Margaret Thatcher ( lady with the iron fist) and Reagan ( Reagan and his star wars ) are known neocon.

Jews and neo con making love to each other every hours of the day.


hey excuse me !? Abu ghraib

by nojanthegreat on

hey excuse me !? Abu ghraib ? we are talking about Guantanamo, wrong meeting ?

working for security company is easiest job on the market , anyone with clean background check and getting his state ( mine is California) guard card and little luck can get a security job. well if you go ahead and get arm guard card you can also work for arm security companies who do security contracts all over the town. from transforming money to ......

some of us after work will attend other jobs like bars and clubs. and private services . so I don’t know why you think people cant believe me?

and special ed schools ?

are you that low ? is this your intelligently conversation ?

and ya open up your eye and ask around, just last week 4 Chinese citizens who were in the jail go free , and now they live not in china but in Bermuda.

there are 3 others who were also freed and return to their country ( Saudi Arabia ) . this whole topic come up because people and Mr. obama himself wanted to close down the jail, hey even Mr. bush JR wanted to close the jail.

its very pleasing for me that you and kaveh have nothing to say about the subject and come at me personally . I was honest and say who I am and what I do ? you can see my picture too.

so if you still think I am wrong , do yourself a favor go outside and find any dude , random and ask him if the people who are in guantanamo , who have not seen a day in court. can go back to their countries and not to USA., or at least be processed in court system and if he was not guilty he can return to any where he wants , or he can and see the answers. do it 10 time and percentage of the result. Then come back and let us know your outcome.

And stop being a kid , coming after me and saying nonsense to insult me , will not serve you . If you see kaveh doing it , its simply because he couldn’t be bully in school and now he think he can bully other here. But if you never was a bully you just cant be.

But let us know what you think about dick Cheney and his stand on gay marriage ? Is he for real ?


Is this guy (nojan) actually

by escuse me? (not verified) on

Is this guy (nojan) actually thinking anyone is going to believe he works in some form of security industry? Oh, did he mean hall monitor at his special ed school? What an idiodic comment - "americans want Abu Ghraib closed and people set free"? Listen dude, you're simply not up to intelligently discussing much at all. Why don't you sit back and listen and learn.

Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

You can't do my job, primarily because you can't speak properly. It's sad that you go out of your way to limit your options simply because you think "you don't need it".

But, that is the choice you made.

By the way, why don't you define for all of us what the term "neo-con" means.

That is of course, if you can.


oh , don’t worry kaveh I

by nojanthegreat on

oh , don’t worry kaveh I am not interested in your job, you can remain the fool for all I care .

every one know dick Cheney and his neo con friend and they know how this people think about freedom of choice.

Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

"And I know the law do to the face that I work for security company here in bay area and I know the first law coming handy here is innocent until proven guilty."

Please stop. You are only going to make a bigger fool of yourself.


. Kaveh relax I am not

by nojanthegreat on


Kaveh relax I am not here to know whets your inelegant level.

I hope you can do this name the terrorist attacks by hezbollah or hamas in Africa , Asia , south America .

And I know the law do to the face that I work for security company here in bay area and I know the first law coming handy here is innocent until proven guilty.

You need to put this people in any court , I prefer international court , same place that they put japans and Yugoslavians war criminals and you can get them your evidence and we will see how bad this people are.

Gulf cartel is not just the simple drug trafficking organization. They are in trafficking girls , boys, guns and they are also in kidnapping American citizens involved with drug. They are ex Mexican military and they kill people like it nothing . But we get them , put them in court and send them to jail.

The are jails in USA that are more safer than Cuban base guantanamo.

Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

The more you talk, the more foolish you are sounding.

The terrorists have indeed struck in Africa, and in South Asia, and in South America.

Of course they are going to be picked up in raids. That is usually the time they are least likely to be armed with a loaded weapon.

If you want to equate these people with drug traffickers and then question my intelligence, we have nothing further to discuss.

Your sense of right and wrong is deeply flawed, and your knowledge of the laws of this country is highly suspect.



by nojanthegreat on

American are being scared daily to think this people we go free inside their country , because they are not informed who this people are and what is their case.
us have not put them in court ( just the mastermind ) and did not share with them that in the case of Abu Ghraib more than 90 % of the prisoner were freed .
people keep happened to be in dark by the government about the behind the scene and any person with the little intelligent will get there .
and why our law will be different than their law.
first you need to know that none of the prisoner were pick up in the battlefield not in Iraq and not in Afghanistan . they were picked up in the series of raids .

I think you live in bubble my friend .
this people if they even are guilty kill for ideology . we in other hand have people in out jails that kill for fun.
2 million American in jails for crimes not so different that this fellows.
serial killers, drug traffickers who kill for money and .........................
so dot play dumb if you are not one.
and remember this terrorist that you say kill anyone who are not one of them , have not kill in Africa, south America, Australia, and not in Russia the mother of communism , or in south Asia .
south east jails are full of gulf cartels members who have been train in Mexican and south American special forces .
so how many of those American in this out of no where polls know about this cases.

and about Abu ghraib
are you kidding me ?>
who were charged , solders who follow the order or their commanders.
how many CIA agent who were working in Abu ghraib and facilities like that were charged ?
how many private contractor who were involved were charged ?
what happen in Abu ghraib is the top of iceberg.
we do know that there is another jail in Baghdad airport where the American special forces kept yet another secret cells .
the new commander of afghan war (Stan McChrystal ) is the head of military's clandestine special operations who happen to terror people out of the list. Baghdad's Camp Nama was and is under his command and we all know what happen there . Aren’t we ?

and prisoners are active terrorist , where is your proof , when they were tried ? what is their name or like most of rendition cases , they are now back in court suing American government ?
and no one is saying let them go free , we say try them in international courts like Nuremberg and sent them to jail any where you like.

and freedom for gay
please I live in san Francisco and I know who is supporting gays. not dick Cheney for sure.
he and bush use gay issue in their campaigns in last two election ,were you sleep ?
Karl make a carre on gay issues and abortion.
you telling me gays has freedom of choice and mothers don’t ?
come on .

Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

Actually, recent polls have indicated that Americans are overwhelmingly against closing the prison at Guantanamo Bay and are even more dead-set against transferring any of the prisoners to facilities here in the U.S.

Also, these people are not charged with crimes in the same way someone here in the United States would be. Civilian, peacetime law and laws concerning combat enemies in a time of war are two different things. The laws you and I are protected and must live by here in the States do not apply to these people, nor should they. They are not in Guantanamo for excessive parking tickets or vandalism. These people are terrorists trained to kill anyone who is not one of them, either ethincially or religiously speaking.

What happened at Abu Gharib is something that I do not support or endorse. But that is a closed case. The matter was handled. Maybe not to everyone's satisfaction, but it was dealt with. People were charged, tried and convicted.

The prisoners at Guantanamo Bay are active terrorists. Can you sit there and tell me or anyone with a straight face that Americans want to see Khalid Sheikh Mohammed set free?

As far as what freeedom Cheney is referring to, he is referring to the freedom for gay people to marry, something that clearly has nothing to do with either Guantanamo or Abu Gharib.


kaveeh you need to know that

by nojanthegreat on

kaveeh you need to know that most of them are not who you think they are . they did not get to the court to defend themself in any crim. now we know that the level of darkness in guantanamo was more than we were thinking . remmember most of people in Abu Ghraib were freed and are now living outside of cell room. and american in general are not inform about who this guys are. and are being scared by us officials about how dangeros they are. if you ask american they will rather to see this base close and this people send free. and about the mr cheny , wtf he is doing ? freedom for all is he lost it ? we need to know who he mean by everyone 

Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

Cheney a liberal? He's been accused of many things, but as far as I know, being a liberal isn't one of them.

As far as where he was during the detention and waterboarding of enemy combatants at Guantanamo Bay, he stood in front of it and defended it from the beginning. He hasn't denied it, and he hasn't tried to hide from it. Where he differs from your view is the part of whether or not it's torture or illegal detention.

There are those, and I presume you to be one of them, who cannot reconcile what goes on at Guantanamo with the system of laws here in the United States.

The system of laws here weren't designed with the mindset of this country being in a state of war. The laws we have here are were designed, enacted and enforced to establish and maintain a civil society here in the U.S.

Whether you support it or not, this country is engaged in two active wars, where the enemy doesn't belong to any sovereign nation. They are a group of rogue individuals who are not trying to forward a political agenda, but are simply intent on murdering civilians who don't subscribe to their agenda, and they're using a false pretext of religion to justify their criminal actions.

According to a USA Today/Gallup Poll released today, 2 out of 3 people are opposed to closing the terrorist prison at Guantanamo Bay. In the same poll, people are opposed to moving the 240 detainees here to U.S. facilities by a margin of 3 to 1,

Yet another Gallup poll shows that more than half believe the techniques used at Guantanamo are justified.

These numbers support what Cheney has been saying on the matter.

I can accept that you disagree with those views, and that your disagreement is very pronounced. But if someone with whom you fundamentally disagree with expressed an opinion that is in complete agreement with your own on an issue, why would you see fit to have messenger villified at the expense of forwarding the message? That's the equivalent of shooting yourself in the foot!



by capt_ayhab on

The lunatic criminal needs to shut up.

All this camera dressing is for the bastard to publish a book. Where in hell was he when he was ordering all those torture and illegal detainment. He was hiding in his man size safe in his office.

Calling this bastard liberal is just like calling Hitler humanitarian.


Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

See? Your arrogance has no bounds.

You have been pontificating up and down regarding Prop 8 and gay marriage in general, claiming exactly what Dick Cheney has said!

What on earth is your problem? He holds a belief regarding gay marriage  that is in complete agreement with what you have been saying all this time and you want him to shut up?

When he was in office, he could not have a say, as A) he was not a legislator, and B) per the Constitution, it is a state's rights issue, not a federal issue. That is why some states have said yes, and others have said no.

Something else you have in common: He is also against imposing unilateral economic sanctions aginst other countries, believing that they almost never work, and they end up hurting the people instead of the parties in the government for which the sanctions were originally intended.

Sound familiar to you?

It must be killing you to know that you and Dick Cheney actually have a few things in common.


Cheney should just shut up!

by IRANdokht on

He's a joke! When he was in the office and could have a say he did all the wrong things and when it came to his daughter he kept quiet.

He should just shut up now and get out of the way
