Israel 141st out of 144 in Global Peace Index
Jerusalem Post
03-Jun-2009 (42 comments)

A Global Peace Index (GPI) published Tuesday by the Australia-based Institute for Economics and Peace places Israel in the 141st spot, safer only than Somalia, Afghanistan and Iraq which is the most dangerous country on the planet, according to the report.

recommended by Bavafa


Kaveh Nouraee

Mola? an anti-Semite?

by Kaveh Nouraee on

Mola got rid of his last camel when he found out that the camel was seen at a local Starbucks, using an IBM laptop with an Intel processor. The camel was checking his e-mail on AOL, as well as his shares of Disney, Motorola, and Nokia.

When Mola confronted the camel, at first, the camel denied it, of course. But then a friend of the camel's called to say that he left his Giorgio Armani sunglasses at his house after they got back from shopping at Home Depot.

Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

Mehdi...go easy on Mola. He has a camel to support, and is still waiting on his government bailout.

By the way, this same GPI ranks Iran at #99. Wow. Are you impressed? I know I am. What's really impressive is that for 2009, Iran beat Angola by ONE WHOLE POINT!!!

Well, there's always next year. Belarus, Guyana and Mali, watch out. We were #97 in 2007, and damn it, we're going to get back to that championship, even if it kills...(oops).


inquiring minds want to know

by IRANdokht on

If you are an antisemitic, go ahead and admit it, and we will handle you appropriately from there on.

how? and who's "we"?


Mehdi Mazloom

Mola - are you antisemite?

by Mehdi Mazloom on

you seem to lose control over your emotion. No I don't need to "copy n paste" from Israeli websites. I have seen enough in my life to see the truth. The problem with delusional creatures like you is, you can't handle the truth, even if it kicks you in the rear.

The funny thing is, you and other pundits like you, support a group of people (Hamas) whom had proved in the past, they will cross you at the first junction they see.

As Iranian, you should worry about the  future of Iran, which the  Mullahs are destroying it piece by piece, more then the Pals. They had numerous opportunities to have their own state, just to see their plights are being exploited by other Muslims, who shed the crocodile tears. In the past it was the Arab states, now it is the Mullahs in Tehran.

In fact, between 1948 - 1967, Palestinians had the entire West Bank, Gaza & E. Jerusalem for themselves - not a single Israeli occupation. Why didn't they establish their own state, and repatriate the rest of the Palestinians in their own state. Which part of these sentences don't you understand?. THESE ARE NOT LIES. THEY ARE FACTS.

If you are an antisemitic, go ahead and admit it, and we will handle you appropriately from there on.



I am not sure what is worse

by KB on

Knowing your country is the 4th worst on the peace scale or knowing about this and boasting that your press reports this freely

Mola Nasredeen

The Zionist Jew who goes by the name of Mehdi Mazloom

by Mola Nasredeen on

You are a fake, dishonest supporter of the racist regime of Israel. You have no original idea to offer here. All you do is copy and paste from your zionist websites on the internet. Israel was created by the destruction of Palestine and Palestinian people.

Israelis are a bunch of racist freeloaders who are occupying somebody else's land and spending somebody else's money, our tax dollars. The Zionist regime has survived by creating mafia like organizations (AIPAC) that try to manipulate and blackmail the Western and American governments. But this is the end of the road for the Zionist. American people are waking up.

Mehdi Mazloom

abarmard - goot to read from you

by Mehdi Mazloom on

You are a single light in the vast darkness of ignorance and blind hatred on this forum.

As you see, Israeli papers by far, are more critical of their own government then on other countries.

I wouldn't rush and compare the free press between Iran & Israel. While the  Mullahs had shut down more then 100 newspapers in Iran, we have yet to read a single Israeli paper was shut down.

The only subject is taboo and subject to military ensure is matters of national security. Military matter, such as movement, strength, tactics. and nuclear weapons, etc. 

Everyone understandsn, and accep[ts the restrictions, and willingly cooperate with the state.



by IRANdokht on

"Akhoon mi-raft pan midot, ve khodesh miraft XXX midat."

seriously dude

you shouldn't...


Mehdi Mazloom

Mola - Israel and the Arabs

by Mehdi Mazloom on

you again spray garbage on this forum. Israel was formed like other countries iin the region.A majority vote in UN.

Get this........ In 1920, there were no countries, such as Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, as we know them today. The whole region was one big enchilada under and admintrated by the British Mandate. Subsequently, the region was divided into the  states. Most were defined more less on religious-ethnic groups. All were Islamic state, and ONE Jewish. So why Israel is being singled out?.

Israel occupies only 0.2% of the territory in the  ME & Gulf region. Arabs & Muslims occupy 99.8%. what happened to that Islamic generosity, and venerable hospitality?

And before you commit more sins with your keyboard, think this. The very existence of Lebanon is challenged by Syria, Kuwait was challenged by Iraq. Heck, even the Mullahs in Iran are challenging the legitimacy of UAE as Iranian territory. While we are at it, Iran has been occupying the 3 Musa Island since 1971.

So what else is new in the la la land?.

Akhoon mi-raft pan midot, ve khodesh miraft XXX midat.

Mullahs Preach justice to others, while themselves deprive justice to their own minorities and neighbors. 


Dear Mehdi Mazloom

by Abarmard on

I agree. Israeli press is open. In Iran also reports as such or criticism  against the government is a norm. As long as it's not against the system or the leader.

I would argue they are very similar in many ways, yet Israel is Western style and has free social laws.

Mola Nasredeen

Israel was created by the destruction of Palestine and it contin

by Mola Nasredeen on

ues to be the most hated country in the world. Another proof for the racist warmongering nature of Zionist state of Israel.

Mehdi Mazloom

Jerusalem Post

by Mehdi Mazloom on

In case you missed it. Jerusalem Post (from which bavafa quotes) is an English language, leading and highly respected Israeli news paper.

This is yet, another affirmation of Israel's sacred mantra of open press, and its renowned freedom of expression

Thanks you for bringing it here.