خوشحالی مردم تهران از نتیجه مناظره + عکس و فیلم
04-Jun-2009 (2 comments)

هزاران تن که بسیاری از آنها را خانواده ها تشکیل می دادند، با استقرار در بخش میانی میدان تجریش با شعارهایی موفقیت و پیروزی میرحسین را در مناظره مورد ستایش قرار دادند. در این میان شعارهای "دولت سیب زمینی، نمی خوایم، نمی خوایم"! "مناظره عالی بود، دکترتون خالی بود"، "احمدی بای بای"توسط مردم بیان می شد.

recommended by Monda



I'd like to think..

by Monda on

that hopefulness and resilience are attributes which Iranians inside Iran have plenty of. It hasn't been as bleak for some of these young people cheering out there, as it appears to us here. There is lots of livelihood in the youth.


Like a re-run of the events of four years ago

by Mansour F. (not verified) on

They were also this excited back then, same skimpy outfits, same heavy make-up, same youthful emotional excitements, etc. etc. but then in favor of Hashemi Rafsanjani.

I just feel sad for all these innocent folks who are constantly being played with when I think of all the let-downs and disappointments they would have from Moussavi a year from now.

Khatami was a let-down I feel Mossuavi will be even a bigger one.