Lebanon's ruling coalition claims election victory over Hezbollah
08-Jun-2009 (3 comments)

Jubilant supporters of Lebanon's US-backed ruling coalition took to the streets last night, claiming a decisive election victory. It marks a dramatic reversal of fortunes after polls showed it losing its slim majority to a Hezbollah-led coalition backed by Syria and Iran. Fireworks streamed from the Beirut home of Saad Hariri, leader of the governing coalition and the top Sunni politician who is now expected to become prime minister. The post was held five times by his father, whose assassination in 2005 triggered a prolonged crisis

recommended by Farhad Kashani




by yep (not verified) on

What can we expect long term from this election? Is it as good as it sounds? I almost wish this election had taken place much sooner before Iran's election in order to give a great impact to the vote there. I think it would give people hope that change CAN happen. All in all, I think it's a great achievement for the Lebanese. Let's hope it's a sign of good things to come!!!!!!

Farhad Kashani

Kaveh jaan, Aziz, great

by Farhad Kashani on

Kaveh jaan,

Aziz, great news indeed.

All this time these Leftist media who apparently never gets anything!, and Islamist enablers in the West kept claiming how Hezbollah is popular, and how people name their kids "Nasrallah", and all this garbage, and look now! Embarassing defeat.

Lebanese people learned from Iran's experience not to surrender their country to the Islamo Fascists.

Great news.

Kaveh Nouraee

Good News

by Kaveh Nouraee on

It appears that the wonderful Lebanese people woke from this stupor that had them tricked into believing that Hezbe-gooz had the interests of the people in mind.

I think it was their marketing that led to Hezbollah's defeat. They kept advertising to convince people to "come to God's Party, where 72 virgins await all who join."

Problem was, the waiting virgins were 72 guys between 16-24 who were looking for their first action themselves.