Iran's Ahmadinejad lambasts opponents
10-Jun-2009 (6 comments)

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has ended his re-election campaign with a TV appearance accusing his opponents of trading in lies and insults. Mr Ahmadinejad said they had conspired with Israelis to falsify documents and graphs to discredit him. His rivals boycotted the chance to appear on TV, after apparently not being offered equal airtime.Huge crowds have been out on the streets, as the rival candidates held their last election rallies. Mr Ahmadinejad is thought to be in a tight race with his main rival, reformist Mir Hossein Mousavi. Two other candidates are standing.

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hamsade ghadimi

still laughing (at the system and its supporters)

by hamsade ghadimi on

i'm not boycotting; i've decided not to vote since it's not a fair system!


LOL Hamsade!

by IRANdokht on

What a logic!  it seems like you only read the word boycott and got all excited. You're killing me  :o)

Don't worry about Iranians, millions of them know what they're doing much better than you or me. They're the ones who are living with the consequences of their actions or inactions. I am sure they understand why the rivals of AN boycotted the event, even if you don't ;-) 



You snooze, you...

by Shadooneh (not verified) on

lose. Har kas keh ghahr koneh az dasteh mireh.

Ostaad not logged on at work.

Big Boy

You missed the point.

by Big Boy on

Hamsade, the trees seem to have blocked your view of the forrest.  Boycotting one miniute of air time was a strategic move to show that Ahmadi is abusing his power to the people.  A nice political move to GET MORE VOTES TO DEFEAT HIM.  Your position is that Iranians should put Iran on a nice silver plate and just give it to him so that he can destroy whatever is left.  Sorry, not an option.


desideratum.anthropomorphized anonymous000


by desideratum.anthropomorph... on

In case you didn't know Ahmadinejad got 20 minutes, Mousavi 101 seconds, Karoubi 76 seconds, and Rezaee 60 seconds . That should tell you why any rebuttal was inconceivable.  The airtime distribution happened without the Attorney General (as it's supposed to be the case) by IRIB authorities. But if you already knew these facts and still came up with this sarcasm , then I'd have no interest in arguing and instead suggest logic101 for some guidance .

hamsade ghadimi

did i hear that right? ahmadinejad's opponents boycotted?

by hamsade ghadimi on

while ahmadinejad used valuable tv time to end his campaign, "his rivals boycotted a chance on tv, after apparently not being offered equal airtime."  hmmm.... i wonder how the anti-boycott islamists are going to spin this story now. shouldn't they just take whatever time they were offered in hopes of one day getting equal time? did the time they offered all three opposing candidates less than what they offered ahmadinejad? well, equality doesn't come overnight you know. even a small step toward equality is better than just sitting on their you know what. shouldn't they think of their "constituents"? doesn't boycotting equate to giving up hope?