Bay Area Iranians protest election results
13-Jun-2009 (8 comments)

It was a bilingual protest, with the group yelling in English, "No more lies, no more corruption," and then in Farsi, "Mousavi, return our vote."

A group of about 50 people began to gather around 5 p.m. and then grew to about 100 people by 6 p.m.

The event was organized by the International Alliance of Iranian Students and many of the participants were Iranian citizens who voted in the election.


SF UN Plaza

by admin on



thanks ostaad , you know

by nojanthegreat on

thanks ostaad ,

you know how we Iranian are with perfection lol

I think the best to do is to let Mr. mossavi choice some of this cities or poll stations that he claims the fraud had happened there and start recounting the vote by help of his campaign workers and all other 3 campaigners so we get to bottom of this. the unrest I think need to stop and we should go and start counting because deep down I think people need to remember who we are and how conservative relay Iranian are. what you think ?

I think mossavi is playing with Iranian youngest feeling here.


nojanthegreat, I don't think Ahmdinejad's win is unrealistic...

by Ostaad on

at all. I'm just not convinced the vote margin could have been that great. I am still not so sure what "democratic" track record Mousavi had to justify winning the election. I was more impressed by what Mohsen Rezaie brought to the table. I did not hear any substantial economic or political idea from Mousavi other than some vague hits and vadeh-o-vaeed about freedom to justify his claim to presidency. I think if the unrest stays limited to the students and does spread to the working class in factories and the bazaaris soon, we can forget about the whole thing and go back to business as usual.

Yes, I'm a homie too.


hey ostaad by the way i

by nojanthegreat on

hey ostaad by the way i dident know we are hommies lol


sorry ostaad point taken

by nojanthegreat on

sorry ostaad point taken ,

I just wish this whole cheating thing be misunderstanding. we don’t need this now . and do you know if they have list of cities which they want to recount or they want to recount all votes. on the vote margin , the space between poor and rich or at least middle class is also huge. so I wont be surprised if the outcome be the same.


Even if one person showed up...

by Ostaad on

still protesting a stolen (s)election is a good thing in Iran and everywhere. Iranians are doing it in Iran and I don't see why a civil protest in the US is "trashing" one's country. I think not protesting and accepting the results announced by the regime is even worse.

Chanting "where's my vote" IS asking for a recount. Considering the huge voter turnout in Iran there is no way the vote count margin between Ahmadinejad and Mousavi could be as big as we are made to believe.



Reminds me of...

by Ostaad on

George Bush's two stolen elections when we were protesting in the same location.

Regarding Iran's (s)election. Even if one person showed up it would be a good thing. Considering the huge voter turnout in Iran, having such a big votes margin between the two top contestants is simply impossible.

"Where's my vote" IS asking for a recount. How else would you let the Rahbar know about the frauds he keeps committing, by sending him an email?!


i voted in bay area. the

by nojanthegreat on

i voted in bay area. the people who work there were nice and they were just shocked by turn out of people . and 1000 people voted and only 100 and so come to proteset which are university student and voted for mussavi. before you come to street , be civilized and ask for recount , then come out and trash your country in front of others.