Don't Call What Happened in Iran Last Week an Election
Slate / Christopher.Hitchens
15-Jun-2009 (3 comments)

For a flavor of the political atmosphere in Tehran, Iran, last week, I quote from a young Iranian comrade who furnishes me with regular updates:"I went to the last major Ahmadinejad rally and got the whiff of what I imagine fascism to have been all about. Lots of splotchy boys who can't get a date are given guns and told they're special.".It's hard to better this, either as an evocation of the rancid sexual repression that lies at the nasty core of the "Islamic republic" or as a description of the reserve strength that the Iranian para-state, or state within a state, can bring to bear if it ever feels itself even slightly



rosie is roxy is roshan

by rosie is roxy is roshan on




taboo. since.1979..






Mort Gilani

How True!

by Mort Gilani on

This is so funny:

"Lots of splotchy boys who can't get a date are given guns and told they're special"

And, the same thing is true with special Islamist girls.  Whoever sleeps with those ugly girls is doing the world a favor. They all look like they had a blast injury on their face.



Obama is coward

by Anonymous on

Obama's statement just now was pretty weak:

1) he seemed to take the election-review process seriously, when it's going to be a rubber stamp;

2) there was a sense in which he seemed to be patting the demonstrators on the head and saying, "Nice work — but better luck next time";

3) he went way, way out of his way to say he'll basically negotiate with Ahmadinejad no matter what.