Police breaking up memorial for Neda
huffington post
22-Jun-2009 (one comment)

Police breaking up memorial for Neda. ABC's Lara Setrakian tweets, "People are trying to gather in 7 Tir square, but being dispersed before they can gather momentum. Many many Basijis. People btwn 1000-2000. they're preventing others from joining. As soon as they gather somewhere they attack, so they run away & regroup" The 7 Tir Square gathering was a memorial for Neda, the young woman whose violent death in the street on Saturday was captured on video. (Also interview with her fiance in Persian).

rosie is roxy is roshan

They are trying to shoot her in the heart again

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

They make good on their evil word. They promised they would and they are.But they cannot shoot her in the the heart this tiime because her heart now belongs to the world.

Javid Iran, dele jahan.


The entire text of the item on the violent disruption of the memorial is above. The direct link I provide here is to another item on hufpost, an interview in Persian with Neda's fiance.
