Miscalculations abound in Iran
Asia Times / Shahir Shahidsaless
25-Jun-2009 (one comment)

Twenty-eight years ago, on June 20, 1981, after almost two years of friction between the Mujahideen Khalq Organization (MKO) - a militant revolutionary group - and Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini - the Iranian leader of the 1979 revolution - the dispute escalated into armed conflict. The ayatollah attacked the MKO leaders and followers as non-believers and "monafeq" (hypocrites hidden inside Islamic society). He encouraged people to confront the movement. The MKO was driven underground, but the fierce campaign, which cost the lives of hundreds of the MKO's followers, crushed and rooted the organization out of the country. Now, history is repeating its terrible self. However, misleadingly, while the two events look similar on the surface, there are fundamental differences.

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Please, there is no comparison

by t (not verified) on

How dare they compare today's movement with that of the Mujahediens. This movement is a grass root movement by the majority percentage(50%+)of the population. The Mojahediens (worst than the Islamic Repulic) were small in number but big in arms, thanks to their backing from Russia. The Mujahediens are savages worst than the IRI and if the Iranian nation had a choice between IRI and the Mojahediens, hands down the IRI would win.