Gaza residents 'live in despair'
BBC News / By Tim Franks
28-Jun-2009 (3 comments)

The International Committee of the Red Cross has described the 1.5 million Palestinians living in Gaza as people "trapped in despair".

In a report, it said that a main cause was the continuing Israeli blockade.

The report comes six months after the end of Israel's military offensive in Gaza in which at least 1,100 Palestinians died

recommended by Bavafa




by Khas -o-khashak (not verified) on

Good. Let Israel keep them in a cage so that they can't join their Hezbollah brothers in beating and killing Iranians on the streets of Tehran. After all, aren't Hamas members paid IRI "mozdoors" like Hezbollah?

I gotta tell you, no one gives a s**t about Gaza anymore. Iranians are more concerned about the carnage on their own stereets than some dispute that has been going on for the past 60 years with which we have nothing to do with. So, stop being a "Kaseyeh daghtar as ash" and talk about your hamvatans for a change instead of being a Palestinian mouthpiece.


Well, bend over then if you want a cork in it

by Bavafa on

It is funny how one "wolf in a sheep skin" is calling for a period of mourning in Iran as if he has any good intention towards Iran and the Iranians. It is funny how painful the truth can be. This is a report by an impartial body and has nothing to do with Iran, yet we are trying to deflect the attention from their fascist behavior.

Some of us are mourning the savage attach by the thugs and the destruction of the society in Iran just as we mourn the savage attach and destruction by the Zionist on the Palestinians. Injustice and savagery should be deplored every where and not bound to a particular border.


P.S. What is deploring, is your blind and unconditional support for the crimes of Zionist


Put a cork in it for a while

by Fred on

In deference to the Iranians who at this very moment are subjected to naked barbaric oppression by the Islamist cutthroats’ republic, Palestinians like this news poster with a Persian screen name, should have the decency of allowing some mourning period by not piling it on and superseding with their agenda.


Even though it is understood in return for all the funds and arms the Islamist cutthroats’ republic provides them, without the expressed will of the Iranian nation, they must help their benefactor-- as evidenced by participation of Palestinian elements in the IRI’s suppression operations against Iranians-- but simple human decency dictates they put a cork in it for a while. Unlike Iranians, Palestinians have all their millions upon millions of Arab brothers and sisters who can care for them if they wish.