Iran dominates US hearing on UAE nuclear deal
Reuters / Reuters
08-Jul-2009 (7 comments)

Although the UAE was the world's third-largest oil exporter in 2007, it plans to build a number of nuclear reactors to meet an expected need for an additional 40,000 megawatts of electricity by 2017.

U.S. nuclear reactor builders GE (GE.N) and Westinghouse Electric Co, a subsidiary of Toshiba Corp (6502.T), hope to get a big share of the expected $40 billion market if Congress does not block the deal.

recommended by Shah Ghollam


Shah Ghollam


by Shah Ghollam on

"U.A.E, unlike IRI, does not oppress its people. That’s why close to 100,000 Iranians left Iran for U.A.E searching for more freedom and a better life."

 You forgot to mention also to empty Iranian ex. pats and investors pockets by selling them dream like appartments that no body wants to buy now even at the heavily discounted prices after the real state crash.

You are very good with misinformation and disinformation and gaining a quite of reputaion here.

Farhad Kashani

Ostaad + wgm1919 + Shah Gholam = Axis of stupidity!

by Farhad Kashani on



You and Shah Gholam, who is to embarrassed to use his previous aka smhb since he was passionately supporting the IRI, and wgm1919, make up the axis of stupidity, just like your beloved IRI is part (actually the center) of axil of evil.


U.A.E, unlike IRI, does not oppress its people. That’s why close to 100,000 Iranians left Iran for U.A.E searching for more freedom and a better life. For a country that has been around for 30 years or so, it has made so much leaps forward that it has earned the respect of the world. IRI on the other hand, has taken a country with 2500+ history about 1400 years backward. As matter of fact, U.A.E citizens are not really too excited about democracy since the country is still making a transition from tribalism to modernity, so there is no need for U.A.E government to oppress them. However, Iranians crave and understand democracy and their calls and request for it is met by the bullet of the kesafat basiji whom you passionately support so much.


So, get your head out of the sand and try to see what is going in Iran. The Iranian people do not want the IRI regime. Period. No amount of propaganda ever worked the last 30 years, and it will certainly not work going forward, trying to change that.


So, like I said to the other member of axis of stupidity, you can bash Israel and America till you turn blue. You can’t stop IRIs collapse.



Does anyone read this stuff before posting?!!!

by Ostaad on

I doubt Farhad or others, who have posted comments about this article, have really taken the time to read it.

Here's the core issue stated by an AIPAC-sponsored US representative:

Representative Howard Berman, who chairs the House of
Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee, said the main issue
was "the extent to which the UAE has been a reliable partner of
the United States in working to prevent Iran's efforts to
develop a nuclear weapons capability."

I fully expect Zionist loyalist like Farhad to come up with such comical stuff as the UAE "dones not opress its people", among his other routine nonsense. But there are others who seem to have fallen in the slippery slope of giving away Iran's legitimate rights because of who's in charge in Iran and what has happened during the recent election. 

Yukia Amano,The new head of IAEA, publicly announced "there is no hard evidence that Tehran is trying to gain the ability to develop nuclear arms."  That's why I'm not sure why "khaleh" has decided to throw the baby out with the bath water. What Khamenie and Ahmdinejad are doing are completely separate from what Iran's rights are under international agreements.

khaleh mosheh

Shah Ghollam= Nokia

by khaleh mosheh on

یارو خیلی نوکیاست: از اون خبرچینای دِبشه.

Thanks to Ali's new additions to persian vocabulary. 


I do agree that comparisons

by Mehman on

I do agree that comparisons must be made more carefully.

khaleh mosheh


by khaleh mosheh on

being a thief, a pathological liar and mozdoor of the supreme shipisho has caused Iran to lose most of her ligitimate rights including nuclear technology. Thats the diffierence between UAE and Iran. UAE does not have a Dr AN and supreme shipisho govering it at gun point.

Farhad Kashani

Shah Gholam, your beloved IRI regime is dying!

by Farhad Kashani on

But U.A.E 1- doesn't inspire and promote Islamic fundamentalism. 2- Is not seeking to export its "revolution" to the world. 3- Does not pose a threat to its neighbors and others. 4- Is not asking for a country to be "wiped off the map". 5- Does not opress its people. 6- Has good relations with the world. IRI does all of the above.

So, thats why U.A.E has respect of the world, and IRI lost all respect and dignity.