Iran refuses to back down 'one step' in nuclear row / By Reuters
09-Jul-2009 (4 comments)

Ali Akbar Velayati, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei's top adviser on international affairs, said Western countries did not want the Islamic state to have peaceful nuclear activities.

Dan Huck

Defiant, or Insistant on Equal Rights?

by Dan Huck on

If you treat people like outlaws, they become outlaws - is this the true desire of the West? Are we so embedded with the arms industry we must continuously be looking for opportunities to kill?

Ali Akbar Velayati, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei's top adviser on international affairs, said Western countries did not want the Islamic state to have peaceful nuclear activities. That certainly seems to be the case, otherwise why the difficulty in distinguishing peaceful nuclear activities from weaponization activities?

defiance is a reaction to arrogance - a simple, normal human reaction to be seen in all of us no matter how small, when someone wants to push us around. Remember grammar school? To be fair to Israel, it's important to know the background of their nuclear program. It has always been about weaponization. It has always been dealt with in the utmost secrecy. In retrospect, it appears they always lied to the international community about their true aims.

How can Israel believe Iran? It is impossible for any of us to believe other's motives and/or actions can be any more pure than our own.  Iran, however, is in a totally different space than Israel was 50 years ago.



Iran Needs Nuclear Power (and Nuclear Bombs)

by wgm1919 on

Iran lives in a very dangerous neighborhood. Most danger to Iranians come from Zio-Nazi blood suckers. All we have to do is look at Iraq (war was started by Zio-Nazi proxies in the W administration) in order to figure out what sort of anti-humans the zio-nazis are. Therefore for industrialization advancement Iran needs cheap energy through nuclear power and for defensive purposes (denete) Iran needs offensive nukes.

MOST IMPORTANTLY,  Iran needs those nukes whether mollahs are in power or not.




How can anyone believe Iran?

by Ostaad on

The answer is monitor, monitor, monitor.  No country's nuclear program has been under scrutiny and close monitoring more than Iran's.  Iran's enemies have been hurling accusations at Iran bases on mere "suspicions", lies and innuendos fed by the Zionista whose nukes are targeting every major population center in the ME and beyond.

France and the US have a huge stake in making sure the nuclear energy fever is caught by all countries of the Persian Gulf because there are billions to be made there and Iran is well aware of it.

Israel has been the best teacher Iran has had in the field of obfuscation, delay tactics and outright lying. What's good for the goose must be good for the gander. Israel knows this and can't stand it to see her ill-gotten military and strategic domination in the ME to be overtaken by Iran, therefore Israel wants the US to attack Iran because it has no capability to do it by itself.

Fortunately Obama is well aware of this fact and he's not going to be duped by the Zionista as Clinton and GW before him were.

Shah Ghollam

Israel will have to swallow it

by Shah Ghollam on

Regardless from which spectrum, Iranians are united on their legitimate demand to enrich uranium for peaceful purposes.

There is no International law that should or can convict one of a crime that has not been committed yet. If it is the case, as the West sees it, then they should bear the very responsibility of the consequences.