جمهوری اسلامی، بزرگ ترين زندان جهان برای روزنامه نگاران
12-Jul-2009 (5 comments)

گزارشگران بدون مرز بازداشت روزنامه نگاران و وکلای مدافع حقوق بشر را محکوم می کند. هم اکنون ايران با ٣٦ روزنامه نگار زندانی بزرگترين زندان روزنامه نگاران در جهان است. محمدعلی دادخواه وکيل مدافع بسياری از روزنامه نگاران زندانی و عضو کانون مدافعان حقوق بشر در تاريخ ١٧ تيرماه در محل کار بازداشت و به محل نامعلومی منتقل شده است. محمدرضا يزدان پناه روزنامه نگار روزنامه های هم ميهن و فرهيختگان و وبلاگ نويس وبلاگ بوی خاک در تاريخ ١٦ تيرماه در خيابان بازداشت و به محل نامعلومی منتقل شده است. گزارشگران بدون مرز در تاريخ ١٨ تيرماه مطلع شد که کاوه مظفری وب نگار مدافع حقوق زنان مجددا بازداشت شده است. همکار "تغيير برای برابری " به همراه مادر همسرش به هنگام مراجعه از بيمارستان در نزديکی محل زندگی خود از سوی ماموران لباس شخصی "شناسايی" و دستگير شده است. اين وبلاگ نويس در تاريخ ٤ تيرماه پس از ٥٤ روز زندان آزاد شده بود.

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Dear ARAB/Palestinian

by IranFirst on

So YOU have no concious to post about the murders of IRANIANIS in streets of Tehran by IRI and are coming here and mentioning evens in countries AROUND Iran but Iran , and expect us to belive you have interests of Iran and IRANIANS in mind ! :-)

When did you last post about the killings and totures of Iranains by IRI ?

We have not forgoten that after all money given to you Palestinains, how you sided with Saddam, in his war against Iran.   So you see , even if we had money to give to you guys we wouldnot. Iran does not have any more funds to give to terrorists of any kind. Thanks to terrible economy created by IRI.

Shah Ghollam


by Shah Ghollam on

So you don't have concious or any tallent to engage civilized discussions! That much was always arrarant to me.

As for IRANIAN.com being an Iranian site strickly limited to events concerning Iranians perhaps it is but not within narrow definition you present here.

What happens around Iran is just as important. Iran is not an isolated country as you narrrow vision would like to portray.

The events around Iran, or even afar, are important for Iran today and Iran in the future. 

Your definition of Iranian.com would only serve those people that are deaf or are aelf imposed deafs. Obviously you "chose" the latter! 


Dear ARAB/Palestinian

by IranFirst on

This is an IRANIAN site, If you have problem us posting about IRI, that is your problem. If you are obssesed about Palestinians and Israel that is your problem. I am not intersted in Pakistan, Palestine, England, Israel, China,..... during these critical times in IRAN's history.

I hope you guys get your country one day. We will get ours from  it from IRI.  Palestinaian need to get their money from some other sources than Iran, we need it for our own people. Good luck


Shah Ghollam


by Shah Ghollam on

For this great accomplishment. Another gift from the ISLAMIC republic to Iranian people.

When I read the above, knowing you, I thought you were nominating yourself as Iran's biggest achievement! :)

Having said that, though I have not researched your claim, however, Israel has one of the worst records in the world in targeting journalists and the number of Journalists killed. The cases are many in Lebanon, Gaza and the west bank. You don't believe me, research it. IDF has a particular interest to kill foreign journalists. The last ones were PressTV core and a british journalist in Gaza where Israel was forced to pay blood money though a very rare gesture by the Zionists. The US is no different. The GI's purposely targeted journalists @ hotels with shell fire and straffing in Iraq.

Now, knowing that you are a concious man, will you also congradulate Israel and the US for killing journalists?



Congratulations to IRI and its supporters

by IranFirst on

For this great accomplishment. Another gift from the ISLAMIC republic to Iranian people.