Group Trial of Reformists
Fars News
01-Aug-2009 (20 comments)

Trial's star witness: Hossein Derakhshan

by Patriot on

Did you wonder where Hossein Derakhshan was?  This is sickening.  People say they have spotted him around Tehran.  This is exactly the stuff he wrote in his blogs.


Darius Kadivar

As for Hoder=Derakhshan he is just a Kid

by Darius Kadivar on

I think he is irrelevent in terms of political importance. He has no credibility as a journalist anyhow.

The best is to wait for any confirmation rather than accuse the guy of any complicity.

Again I am not his lawyer but I think it is important to have solid proof for any accusations particularly in these troubled times.

My humble Opinion,


Darius Kadivar

It is a typical Stalinist Style Trial

by Darius Kadivar on

People like Abtahi known for their support of reformists have been forced into confessions and its clear that they don't believe what they have been forced to say against their own friends and allies.

Which proves that this Regime is in now way reformable. It must be toppled once and for good.

Its Indeed Time to Choose !

There is No Incompatibility between Having a Shiro Khorsheed Flag and the Green Flag Brandished together and in unison anymore.

N'En Deplaise a NIAC/AIC ...




Mort Gilani

Islamic Republic Factions Are Going for A Bloody War

by Mort Gilani on

Iranians are numb to these muppet shows. Nobody will buy that the likes of Khatami or Mousavi were after velvet revolution other than hard-line supporters. Those, who under enormous pressure and apparently under drug influence, read a false confession should stand tall, and they should be welcomed back to the movement.


Mr. Parsa

by capt_ayhab on

Isn't [Hoder] pen name[blogger name] for Hosien Derakhshan?




by Kaveh Parsa on

I don't know if the story linking Hoder as the unnamed informant/spy mentioned in the trial is true but here is an analysis (in farsi) of gooya news website, giving the theory some credibility


if true I think its sickening that this guy was given a platfrom on!!





by capt_ayhab on

Abtahi's own website:


and his photo in trial, He has lost 18 Kg in 40 days.


Latest on Abtahi:


وی تاکید کرد: «در حال حاضر بازداشت شدگان در شرایط بسیار بدی قرار دارند
و بسیاری از آنها مورد ضرب و شتم و اذیت و آزار قرار گرفته‌اند و اخبار
نگران کننده‌ای از طریق خانواده های آنان اعلام شده است که بواسطه التهاب
جامعه بنا ندارند آن را عمومی کنند.»

تابش در خصوص وضعیت محمد علی ابطحی به نقل از همسر ابطحی که اخیرا به
ملاقات او رفته بود، اظهار داشت: « بعد از 43 روز که همسرم را دیدم حدود
18 کیلو وزن کم کرده‌بود و آقای ابطحی می‌گفت که چند روزی است که قرصی را
به من می‌دهند که من را از جار و جنجال و هیاهوی این دنیا فارغ کرده است.»




sickening fact

by capt_ayhab on

Sickening fact is that there are people[many of whom frequent this site] and shall remain nameless believe in such ridicules array of charges, and think or pretend that this is going to be a fair trial.

This sham of a trial  is nothing but treason and crime against brave Iranians.



Shifteh Ansari

Attoney to several on trial wasn't allowed in court

by Shifteh Ansari on



دویچه وله: آقای نیکبخت، اسم چند تن از موکلان شما امروز در رسانه‌ها آمده بود که برایشان دادگاه تشکیل داده‌اند. گذاشتند شما در جلسه‌ی دادگاه حاضر بشوید؟


محمدصالح نیکبخت: نخیر. من اطلاعی از تشکیل جلسه برای آنها نداشتم. علی‌رغم اینکه من در تاریخ ۳۱ تیر ماه، یعنی ۱۱ روز پیش، موضوع عدم ملاقات موکلین‌ام با خانواده و با خودم را مطرح کردم و مجدداً روز چهارم مرداد ماه همان نامه را که در سه صفحه نوشته بودم و در سایت‌‌ها هم منتشر شده - که گویا خانواده‌ها به صورت تایپ شده منتشر کردند - برای دادستان تهران نوشتم و گفتم که من وکیل اینها هستم و به من در ابتدا اعلام بکنید که اینها کجا هستند و در چه وضعیتی هستند و بعد درخواست کردم، اجازه داده بشود که من با آنها ملاقات بکنم. متأسفانه نه به من اطلاع دادند و نه اعلام کردند که جلسه‌ی دادگاهشان چه موقع است. امروز نزدیک‌های ساعت ۱۱ مطلع شدم که موکلین ‌ما را هم به دادگاه برده‌اند. وقتی به دادگاه رسیدم، دیدم جلسه‌ی دادگاه برگزار است. در میان وکلای دادگستری فقط بعضی از آقایان وکلا را دعوت کرده و ما را دعوت نکرده بودند.


Darius Kadivar

by Patriot on

You are right, because he wasn't "in the courtroom", at least not that we ould see from the few photograps.  Hossein Derakhshan arrived Tehran last year and went home to visit with his family and go sightseeing, as reported in his blogs which he kept up for a while after arriving Tehran.  After a month he disappeared. When his disapperance became lengthy, there was a brief news piece in some Iranian papers which said he had been arrested.  There has been NO news about him after that.  Even for IRI this is unusual to hold someone for 10 months without a visit with his family, a lawyer, or a trial date.  His family have kept quiet for all this time which is very unusual too. All of this has been the source of skepticism about Derakhshan again.

It is unfortunate that for all the months Hossein Derakhshan has disappeared, the talk has been that he was being used to help build a case against some people in Iran.  Nobody knew who, though.  References to him in the long statement against the reformists in court today was the reason I used that title.  This may also corraborate the thinking that this "coup" has been in the works for at least a year, and Derakhshah has been used in compiling the "evidence". 

I'm sorry again for the title which I can see now is misleading. I submitted this news piece just as word was (supposedly) coming out of the court and being posted, augmenting the information in the comments section. I would still use a supertitle like "Derakhshan used in trial case against reformists".


Beshno vali baavar nakon...

by Ostaad on

Any reporting that starts with, "به گزارش خبرگزاري فارس" can't be anything but a lousy fabrication.

That said, I am glad the regime organized this kangaroo court, because of two things. First, people get a chance to see their loved ones are alive with no obvious signs of torture. Second, reading the flimsy and unsubstantiated charges against the accused, is proof the regime doesn't have any legs to stand on.

PS, the guy in pic #8 puzzles me. Why is he covering his face while no one else is trying to do so. Furthermore, if you're in the regime's jails you should be eager to show your face so your family knows you're alive and look OK!!! Then look as his finger nails, it seems it got a manicure by a professional right before he was brought to the "courtroom"!!!

Finally, where are the female prisoners???

Darius Kadivar

Are you Certain that Derakhshan is at the Trial as Witness ?

by Darius Kadivar on

Your title is misleading regardless of what you think of him or his articles, he deserves the benefit of the doubt when it comes to accusations.

If True it is indeed pathetic otherwise give him the benefit of the doubt.

Babak Khorramdin

fozuli here is a pic of abtahi

by Babak Khorramdin on


i found this in tweeter //

"Better to live for just a single day as a ruler than to live for forty years as an abject slave."



ILNA's link

by Patriot on

ILNA reports the court proceedings differently.  They says these are what the District Attorney said, not what Abtahi confessed.

 در پي برگزاري دادگاه تعدادي از چهره‌هاي سياسي كه گفته مي‌شود در حوادث پس از انتخابات دخالت داشته‌اند، ادعانامه دادستاني تهران عليه اين افراد قرائت شد.



Well, yeah!!

by Patriot on

Of course!  It's a hexagon (note, a "triangle" could only have 3 points and that's too few!), yes, a hexagon of BBC, VOA, MKO, CIA, USA, UK, the Deutch, PJAK, Abdolmalek Rigi, the Bahais, the Vahabis, Googoosh, Ganji, and Haartz/Mosad, just to name a few!  I really think Abtahi,'s "testimonies" is another nail in their coffin!  What jokers!  Forget about us, Iranians inside Iran don't believe a word of this.


The headline for the sixth part is hilarious

by fozolie on

The organizers of these show trials always have nothing but contempt for the audience. Let's get Camp Ashraf in somehow. It's topical after all. (Part 6 I think). 

Mr. Fozolie


Here's another blog on the subject

by Patriot on

از منبع موثقی که در دادسرای امام خمینی چند دقیقه ای حضور داشت ، شنیده می شود که اصلا هیچکدام از نوشته های خبرگزاری فارس صحت ندارد و این سناریوی بوده که از قبل آماده شده بود و می خواهد با این اخبار در جنبش سبز شکاف ایجاد کند. دوستان هوشیار باشید تا اطلاع ثانوی هر نوع نوشته ای که مربوط به اعترافات ابطحی باشد را لینک ندهید. اول باید ثابت شود، بعد! از همه خواهش می کنم به جان یکدیگر نیفتید. ما در آستانه ی 12 مرداد هستیم. همبستگی مان را حفظ کنیم. دوباره تاکید می کنم تمام اعترافات ابطحی فقط سناریو بوده و فکر کنم اگر آزاد شود حتی روحش هم از اعترافات خبر نداشته باشد.





by Patriot on

I'm following the discussion on Balatarin.  Someone just said the Abtahi "confessions" Fars News Agency is putting online are all fabricated, because they are being posted too fast and no other news agencies are reporting on these exact words.  Here's what they say on this blog:



تمام اخبار دادگاه اصلاح طلبان به صورت انحصاری از بنگاه دروغپراکنی فارس منتشر می شود

تمامی اخباری و اعترافاتی که از امروز صبح از دادگاه اصلاح طلبان منتشر شده از طریق خبر گزاری فارس بوده است. انگار که بنگاه دروغ پراکنی کودتاچیان به صورت انحصاری حق پوشش این اخبار را خریده و به اعترافات ساختگی آنها دسترسی دارد. هنوز هیچ خبر و یا تصویری به صورت مستقل و یا از خبرگزاری های دیگر منتشر نشده است. دوستان به شدت هوشیار باشید که پروژه ای دقیقا مثل شیوه اعلام نتیاج انتخابات در حال شکل گیری است. حتی یک خط از اخبار فارس را باور نکنید. همانطور که نتایج انتخابات سراسر دروغ بود اخبار و اعترافات منتشره از طرف فارس نیز سراسر دروغ است. سرعت تنظیم گزارش ها به صورتی است به به طور کاملا مشخص معلوم است که این گزارش ها از قبل آماده بوده اند. با وجود گذشت چندین ساعت هنوز حتی یک خبر از طرف ایسنا و یا مهر مخابره نشده است و این خود نشان از بی اعتباری و ساختگی بودن اخبار فارس دارد.


Show Trials

by fozolie on

Wonder what went into coercing Abtahi (9th part).  

Mr. Fozolie