نامه مصطفي محقق داماد به هاشمي شاهرودي
Etema Melli
04-Aug-2009 (4 comments)

سيدمصطفي محقق داماد، استاد كرسي فقه و حقوق و فلسفه، با ارسال نامه‌اي سرگشاده خطاب به هاشمي شاهرودي، رئيس دستگاه قضايي، از عملکرد وي در دوران 10ساله حضور در اين سمت به ويژه عملکرد وي در قبال حوادث پس از انتخابات انتقاد کرد و خطاب به او گفت: «اي‌کاش در حوزه علميه به کار تدريس و پژوهش ادامه داده بوديد.» اين نامه روز گذشته در روزنامه اطلاعات به چاپ رسيد. نظر به اهميت آن اينك متن كامل آن آورده مي‌شود.

ارزيابي نظام قضايي و حقوقي يک جامعه بر محور قواعد جزاي عمومي و آيين دادرسي کيفري و اجراي آن در جامعه دور مي‌زند و برهمين محور بايد سنجيده شود.


جناب آقاي هاشمي شاهرودي
تحمل بفرماييد که به صراحت به حضورتان عرض کنم که در زمان شما، نه نظرا بلکه عملا، اين رکن اساسي امنيت اجتماعي نه تنها متزلزل بلکه در ملأعام ويران شد



You're Fired!

by fozolie on

Amazing! A direct letter of condemnation to Akoond Hashemi Hashroodi about his destruction of Judiciary during his tenure, further telling him he should have stayed in Qom and taught instead of taking up this role.


rosie is roxy is roshan

Well, whatever happened,

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

thank god Obama revised that statement (I knew it had to be a blunder, it made NO sense...), because it would've been cataclysmic for the people in Iran,  like the ones who write these articles.


I am not sure

by fozolie on

I think they were shut for a while after the election or at least the website was. It have been going for a while though as my posts show.

Mr. Fozolie

rosie is roxy is roshan

Etemade Melli

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

Do you know what is going on with them? This is the same paper, right?

I saw an article yesterday in press tv saying it had been closed (I am ALMOST positive it said closed), and the guys there got it in with this big photo of their July 1 edtion with this huge headline that was translated into English in the caption that Karroubi vows loyalty to Islamic Republic unto death (something like that). I got a huge kick out of that. I went back there today and I couldn't find it, not through their search engine either. So I just tried doing a regular google search on it and I just came up with this item from a Turkish paper saying they were only warned about being closed, their source was press tv


so I clicked on their link to press tv and it doesn''t go anywhere. So I wonder what is going on. Obviously they haven't been closed down, and if they are warned they don't seem to be listening... It is not impossible that there could've been two versions of the story and then it was removed. I guess finally they were only warned, and the censors decided people should not know...

and they don't care.