As US fades, Iran ups the ante in Iraq
Asia Times / Shahir Shahidsaless

The Iranian political system and Khamenei's credibility have been damaged locally and internationally by the post-election events. Still, the ruling bloc has been able to contain the unrest, albeit at a relatively high cost. Although the atmosphere remains tense, the mass street protests and the severity of the pro-reform threat have faded.

To view the existing situation in Iran as an opportunity and to build policies based on this perception, experts believe, may lead to unpredictable consequences.

David Ignatius, a renowned American political writer, concluded in his article, "Creative Opportunism on Iran", that the current situation in Iran was a "golden moment". If this assessment influences policymakers in the US, however, aggressive moves could push the Iranian government past restraint and things could get out of control.

This is where the situation in Iraq comes in.

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