The Supreme National Security Council has banned all Iranian newspapers and news agencies from publishing any news about Mir Hossein Mousavi and Mehdi Karroubi, the two reformist candidates in the June 12 presidential election — and now leaders of the Green Movement. Discussing anything about the election is off limits too. The apparent goal is to banish Mousavi and Karruobi from people’s minds.
The order was issued on Saturday, a day after Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s Friday prayer sermons, during which he maintained his hardline stance. He said “those who are opposed to the government will be tolerated, but [those] confronting the political system will receive a harsh response.” He claimed that the 85% of the population, who took part in the June 12 vote, also support his reign. The question then (if this is true) is why the government needs to resort to such harsh and desperate measures?
The censorship was already in place in another form even before the June 12 election. Seda o Sima, the Voice and Visage of the Islamic Republic, the national network of radio and television stations controlled by the hardliners, was already not broadcasting news about the Mousavi or Karroubi campaigns, but disseminating propaganda about Mahmoud Ahmadinejad under the guise of “government’s news.”
>>>Person | About | Day |
نسرین ستوده: زندانی روز | Dec 04 | |
Saeed Malekpour: Prisoner of the day | Lawyer says death sentence suspended | Dec 03 |
Majid Tavakoli: Prisoner of the day | Iterview with mother | Dec 02 |
احسان نراقی: جامعه شناس و نویسنده ۱۳۰۵-۱۳۹۱ | Dec 02 | |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Prisoner of the day | 46 days on hunger strike | Dec 01 |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Graffiti | In Barcelona | Nov 30 |
گوهر عشقی: مادر ستار بهشتی | Nov 30 | |
Abdollah Momeni: Prisoner of the day | Activist denied leave and family visits for 1.5 years | Nov 30 |
محمد کلالی: یکی از حمله کنندگان به سفارت ایران در برلین | Nov 29 | |
Habibollah Golparipour: Prisoner of the day | Kurdish Activist on Death Row | Nov 28 |
قورباغۀ قالتاق
FredThu Sep 17, 2009 01:52 AM PDT
وقتی آب سربالا بره قورباغه قالتاقه ابوعطا میخونه ، ایران خانوم به ذلتی نرسیده که ایندست قلاتقه مدافعش باشند.
تکرار مکررات
IRANdokhtThu Sep 17, 2009 12:04 AM PDT
یک عرض مختصری داشتم...
هر بار که من یک مقاله اینجا پست کردم فرد خان تشریف آوردن و ۳-۴ تا از شعارهای تکراری و بی سرو ته خودشون رو نوشتن، آخرشم مسئله مغلطه شد و رفت پی کارش.
بابا این دوست ما حرفش همیشه همون بوده که هست، تازگی هم نداره، همه مون هم میدونیم که طرفدار کی بوده و مقصودش چیه. چرا باهاش یکی بدو میکنیم؟ بذار بگه... نه ما به مردم ایران پشت میکنیم و نه ایشون از حمایت اسرائیل دست بر میداره و به فکر مصلحت وطنش میافته. یک وز وز که دیگه جار و جنجال نداره (البته میبخشید خرمگس، منظور توهین به وز وز نبود)
فاتح هم که دیگه... اصلا اون رو هیچی نگم بهتره.
البته منظورم جسارت نیست ولی حیف از این مقاله نبود؟
Mr. AristoClown
by kharmagas on Wed Sep 16, 2009 06:11 PM PDTYou AristoClowns, have eaten all the Israeli ****, left nothing even for this magase hageer, let alone for my Muslim hamvatans!
For now, the Islamist and IRI
by Faramarz_Fateh on Wed Sep 16, 2009 04:13 PM PDTare eating Israel's "shit".
Israel and the Jews are controlling the world, commiting all kinds of atrocities and these losers can't do crap except for writing blogs! LOL
oh no, you're not!
by Q on Wed Sep 16, 2009 04:08 PM PDTPs. I’m fully cognizant
don't make me laugh!
"Islamist Rapist Republic" (to Fred)
by kharmagas on Wed Sep 16, 2009 06:55 AM PDTFred, if you think only my Muslim (or "Islamist") hamvatans don't care for the type of fascism you support, you are very mistaken.
.... some in "Islamist Rapist Republic" must answer for the rape of some individuals ... fascist AIPAC and ultra right whom you support, must answer for the rape of nations.
I am not a Muslim.
Islamist liar III
by Fred on Wed Sep 16, 2009 03:44 AM PDTAin’t it nice that the rabid resident lying uber-Islamist grandpa appreciates his over the hill lying sack of Islamist nuke pusher of a brother for mentioning one of his aliases?
For the information of this lying uber-Islamist grandpa and his likeminded anti-Semites, as long as their thieving, torturing, rape and murdering Islamist brethrens are enslaving Iranians, my sole interest and focus is on Iran.
So save your Islamist venom and breathe if it is not about how to get your Islamist rapist brethrens who are torturing Iranians and preparing the ground to impose another war on them off Iran and iranians' back, I ain’t biting.
Ps. I’m fully cognizant of the fact that lying Islamist is gramatically incorrect for Islamist is synonymous with being a liar therefore saying lying liar is incorrect. But it is used for those very few who still have not comprehended fully what a incorrigable liar Islamists are.
the only shameless liar is the defender of ISR
by Q on Wed Sep 16, 2009 02:24 AM PDTFred, in your shameless defense of -- nay strategic marketing for - ISR, the Israeli State of Racism, you have justified not only bombing Iran, but constant hatred of Islam and Muslims.
You use the term Islamist, which in your deranged world means: "Muslims who dare have an independent opinion on world politics."
Your brand of racism is not far from that of your patron, the ISR, which has been called "apartheid" even by ANC leaders. Not only did ISR help and protect Apartheid South Africa, but what it is doing to Palestinian has been called "worse than apartheid". It is the kind of racism that says "Muslims? Sure Muslims are OK, as long as they don't assert themselves and shut up while we control, manipulate and define them."
Any dumb redneck can be a racist, sure. But it takes special hatred to be the kind of racist that strategically dehumanizes a whole class of people for petty political reasons.
Thanks Mammad.
Islamist liar II
by Fred on Wed Sep 16, 2009 01:49 AM PDTAs a rabid Islamist liar you say:
“First of all, I do not have to prove anything to anyone, least of all you, someone with atomic-size brain who never ceases to throw up nonsense. My track record - a public person - speaks for itself.
Secondly, you are anti-Islam because you demonize ALL Muslims with absolutely no exception. You never miss the opportunity to mock every single Muslim who comments here. Show me one post in your past posts in which you spoke to a Muslim respectfully, without giving him/her a disrespectful name, and without ridiculing his/her opinion - and without basis at that.”
Actually you do have to prove it. You see unlike your Islamist Rapist Republic where your Islamist brethrens charge people with anything they fancy and they beat and rape the men, women and children till the victims admit to the bogus charge, here in the land of the sane and the free the burden of proof is on you. Your “anti-Islam” fatwa is a death sentence and you have to prove it you lying sack of Islamist!
And using another rabid Islamist as your witness does not constitute proof it only shows what a desperate Islamist you are.
The rest of your Islamist reasoning and justification is carbon copying those of Khamenei, and just because you say them does not mean they are true. News flash rabid Islamist, you ain’t in IRR and you certainly ain’t no Supreme Leader.
Just to show how Khameni your logic is you say:
“You advocate military attacks on Iran. You have advocated this explicitly, "Fortunately, the IRI does not have the bomb yet, and so it can still be overthrown" - which only means through military attacks - and implictly, "giving massive material help to the people of Iran" - yeah, massive bombing! - and through "airtight sanctions." The highlighted qoutes are mine the rest your spin.
Here you quote me and then put your Islamist Khameni style spin on it. I understand being a rabid Islamist has robbed you of any decency or logic, but there are limits to even that which you transgress.
Your Islamist logic has you believe “airtight sanction” and calling for "giving massive material help to the people of Iran" is tantamount to advocating military attack on Iran.
In your Islamist delusion things are as you want them to be, but reality being a bitch does not do Islamist.
And that association thing that you do is so Islamist that one can spot it from a mile away. Another news flash, you cannot issue group death fatwa here in America, this ain’t your Islamist Rapist Republic. The rest of your Islamist blabbering is just that Islamist nonsense blabber, the only thing Islamists excel at.
Lastly you chickened out on a televised debate with an Iranian nuclear expert who unlike you a wannabe is a genuine world renowned expert in the field and not a loud mouth Islamist chemist graduate from a third-rate university with NIOC paid chair.
As in your Islamist death fatwa and other charges you habitually make you are good at making them but when it comes to defending and proving them you are true to form an Islamist through and through.
BTW don’t forget to take a copy of your crux statement and disseminate it to the people who come to hear your talk on the peaceful intention of the Islamist nuke program. For you convenience her it is:
"The crux of the issue about Iran's nuclear program is, in my opinion, as follows: If Iran has the ability to make the bomb on a short notice, it becomes unattackable. That is not something that the US and Israel can tolerate. They want to be the hegemone of the Middle East."
Have a safe nuke propaganda campaign on behalf of your Islamist Rapist Republic. The best thing that can happen to rabid Islamists like you is a democracy in Iran where children will read when their peers, parents and compatriots were being torture, rape and murdered by your IRR what your kind were up to.
AIPAC servant
by Mammad on Tue Sep 15, 2009 09:08 PM PDTI love it that you lose your nerves so easily, even when you read a comment by a person as public as me. I love it that as soon as someone says "pekh," you want to buy a "sooraakh moosh for a million." As Q said the other day, I also love it when you get defensive so easily, despite all your pretense to otherwise.
First of all, I do not have to prove anything to anyone, least of all you, someone with atomic-size brain who never ceases to throw up nonsense. My track record - a public person - speaks for itself.
Secondly, you are anti-Islam because you demonize ALL Muslims with absolutely no exception. You never miss the opportunity to mock every single Muslim who comments here. Show me one post in your past posts in which you spoke to a Muslim respectfully, without giving him/her a disrespectful name, and without ridiculing his/her opinion - and without basis at that.
You do not even leave alone the courageous reformists who are in jail in Iran. You even mock them. What the hell have you done, except demonizing Muslims, advocating attacks on Iran, and mocking every single Muslim that comments here? Who the hell are you to attack those brave men and women? Have some shame.
You advocate military attacks on Iran. You have advocated this explicitly, "Fortunately, the IRI does not have the bomb yet, and so it can still be overthrown" - which only means through military attacks - and implictly, "giving massive material help to the people of Iran" - yeah, massive bombing! - and through "airtight sanctions." Anyone who adocates attacks on Iran and sanction against it is anti-Iran in my view. Since you are brainsless, you think that others are also so and cannot see your thinly disguised urge for attacking my native land.
Fourth, there are people in this website that are just as bad as you are for demonizing Muslims and Islam, like Amil Imani, Faramazr Fateh, etc. I do not give a hoot to what you or they say. Demonize Muslims as much as you want. The only thing they and you do by doing so is making abundantly clear you who you are.
You have the right to say your hateful things. But, so long as you do so, I also have the right to call you what you really are. What is the matter? You have more rights than I do? You can insult Muslims and attack Islam, but I cannot call you what you really are? Is that your idea of "democracy?"
I only respond to your ridiculous, as always smart a.. and devoid-of-substance, comments, such as your silly ANC and the reformists comment, and your smart a.. Bazargan blog, just to expose you, to show that you just cannot control your impulses. As soon as you see my comment - a Muslim - you jump in and put in your usual non-sense.
You did not respond to Israel vis-a-vis South Africa, because you have nothing to say. Instead, you threw up your usual nonsense.
As for the "Fatwa:" I do not even believe in it, let alone issuing one against a low-life like you. All your nonsense about me issuing a "fatwa" is only to get me stop calling you what you are. Well, if you want me to stop calling you what you are, stop demonizing Muslims and Islam. Respectful criticism - valid or not - is different from demonizing, which is what you do. The moment you do it, I also stop it.
Islamist liar
by Fred on Tue Sep 15, 2009 06:12 PM PDTIslamist Dr. Strangelove is in a rush to get his Islamist Rapist Republic empowered with Islamist nuke and that is why he is crisscrossing the country to spread his Islamist lies.
You are a shameless Islamist liar for issuing a death fatwa against me and for saying “the anti-Islam and Muslims, and the advocator of military attacks on Iran”.
Prove it you Islamist liar. The same way that you are lying about me you are lying about the Islamist nuke that you are after facilitating the Islamist Rapist republic to get its criminal hands on.
You are the same liar who issued the “crux statement” about the Islamist bomb and now only talk about the peaceful intent of your rapist republic.
Being a devotee of your hometown charlatan Ali Shariati nothing better can be expected of an Islamist liar that you are.
The good news is despite Islamist liars like you and your guru/handler the mortgage guy Iran is on the path to freedom from Islamists and that is something you can’t help or stop.
And finally, Islamist liar if you think you can blackmail me into silence by saying:” Still recovering from the shock of your silly identity to be revealed?” you must be out of your Islamist mind. Go ahead Islamist reveal, REVEAL!
In case you have forgotten your crux statement:
"The crux of the issue about Iran's nuclear program is, in my opinion, as follows: If Iran has the ability to make the bomb on a short notice, it becomes unattackable. That is not something that the US and Israel can tolerate. They want to be the hegemone of the Middle East."
ANC, the reformists, and the Anti-Islam/Anti-Iran Imbecile
by Mammad on Tue Sep 15, 2009 05:05 PM PDTThe imbecile atomic-sized brain supporter of AIPAC, the anti-Islam and Muslims, and the advocator of military attacks on Iran forgets conveniently that the apartheid regime was aided by the same the Zionists and Israel that he respresents on this thread to develop its nuclear bombs and repress, oppress, and suffocate the black majority, but has the nerves to question the courageous people who have put their lives on line to fight for democracy in Iran.
As for defending Iran's right to have its own nuclear fuel cycle: Come to USC this Friday and listen to my lecture, or go to University of Illinois at Urbana in mid October, or to New Mexico on October 8 in a Think Tank to do the same. I'll be the lecturers those two places too.
I thought your masters inform you well. What is matter? Still recovering from the shock of your silly identity to be revealed?
by Shah Ghollam on Tue Sep 15, 2009 01:36 PM PDTHello, our Zionist imposter is certainly alive and kicking! But not much more can be expected from a donkey on a rampage.
Islamist "reformers" = ANC?
by Fred on Tue Sep 15, 2009 01:24 PM PDTPutting the Islamist “reformers” on par with African National Congress takes stretching of the truth to a whole new level.
What is the latest on the effort to have the Islamist Rapist Republic equipped with nuke?