نماينده مردم كردستان در مجلس خبرگان رهبري ترور شد
FARS News Agency
17-Sep-2009 (4 comments)

خبرگزاري فارس: نماينده مردم كردستان در مجلس خبرگان رهبري شامگاه امروز به دست افراد ناشناس ترور شد.  به گزارش خبرگزاري فارس از سنندج ماموستا محمد شيخ‌الاسلام غروب امروز هنگام خروج از منزل توسط افرادي ناشناس مورد سوء قصد قرار گرفت و شهيد شد.
بنابر اين گزارش اين سوءقصد به دنبال ترور دو قاضي شعبه 4 دادگاه سنندج و ترور امام جمعه موقت سنندج در طول يك هفته اتفاق افتاده است.
رئيس بيمارستان بعثت در گفتگو با خبرنگار فارس در سنندج گفت: هم‌اكنون پيكر ماموستا شيخ‌الاسلام در سردخانه بيمارستان قرار دارد.

recommended by Shifteh Ansari



good Medi

by cyclicforward on

At least George Bush did one thing right. Now make sure he doesn't come after you.


George Bush's support of terrorism is paying off

by Mehdi on

Finally, we can see the result of George Bush's "democracy" Fund, which was channelled towards local terrorist groups in Iran is coming to light. What a disgrace! It is hard to believe that som epeople actually openly support these terrorists and random killers. I guess these murderers are bringing us democracy? How shameful! The government must act and people must hep capture these terrorists.

Farhad Kashani

Shifteh jaan,   I just

by Farhad Kashani on

Shifteh jaan,


I just wanna thank you for your relentless efforts in exposing IRI and speaking in support of the Iran and its oppressed people.

Zendeh baashi.


The terrorists who commit these crimes are...

by Ostaad on

directly responsible for bring the regime's terror upon Kordestan and the Kords. I'm sure the regime is licking its chops savoring the "opportunities" for committing more acts of repression in that region in particular and the whole country in general.

Terror begets terror, period.