Allies push Israel for Gaza probe
15-Oct-2009 (one comment)

Western reaction

"We note that the Israeli Defence Force has already conducted and is continuing to conduct a number of investigations," said John Sawers, the British Ambassador to the UN.

"However, concerns remain... We urge the Israeli government to carry out full, credible and impartial investigations into the allegations," he added.

French Ambassador Gerard Araud urged both sides to initiate "independent inquiries in line with international standards."

The deputy US Ambassador, Alejandro Wolff, expressed serious concerns about the report - citing an "unbalanced focus on Israel" - but he repeated the US view that Israel should look into it.

"We take the allegations in the report seriously," he said. "Israel has the institutions and the ability to carry out serious investigations of these allegations and we encourage it to do so."

The UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has urged "credible" investigations by both sides into the conduct of the Gaza conflict "without delay".

Shah Ghollam

Will Israel now look for conflict to deter justice

by Shah Ghollam on

The request by the UN for Israel to investigate its own war crimes, though significant, but will not neccesserily mean that Israel will be any closer to the justice it deserves. What is for certain is that the Western governments will at the least drag this process as long as possible to give it a "work at proces" image. Any other nation with such an incriminating report would have been already outcasted with massive sanctions and total Internatinal isolation.

I am still awaiting for the justice for all in the World body called the UN.

