Justice Dept. to Stop Pursuit of Medical Marijuana Use
New York Times / DAVID STOUT
19-Oct-2009 (2 comments)

WASHINGTON — People who use marijuana for medical purposes and those who distribute it should not face federal prosecution, provided they act according to state law, the Justice Department said on Monday in a directive with far-reaching political and legal implications.

In a memorandum to federal prosecutors in the 14 states that make some allowance for the use of marijuana for medical purposes, the department said it was committed to the “efficient and rational use” of its resources, and that going after individuals who were in “clear and unambiguous compliance” with state laws did not meet that standard.

“It will not be a priority to use federal resources to prosecute patients with serious illnesses or their caregivers who are complying with state laws on medical marijuana,” Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. said in a statement accompanying the memo. “But we will not tolerate drug traffickers who hide behind claims of compliance with state law to mask activities that are clearly illegal.”

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by sag koochooloo on



It is ironic...

by Ostaad on

the GOP always preached states rights, while the administration of the goat herder from Texas, GW, tried to impose Federal regulation on the states that had legalized medical use of marijuana. Thus they totally shattered their long-advertised image of being pro-states law, just like they shattered their other false images of being anti-deficit, anti-big government, etc. The ONLY policy they dearly stuck to was being anti-regulations, whose result is what We The People are pay for!

Obama turns out to be more pro-states law than those flunkies.