Saudi-Iranian Hostility Hits Boiling Point
Asia Times / M K Bhadrakumar
20-Oct-2009 (2 comments)

Conventional wisdom suggests that the terrorist strike by Jundallah in southeastern Iran on Sunday might have had the backing of the United States or Britain. But Jundallah today holds "fatal" attraction for a number of foreign powers that are interested in disorienting Iran's policies.

Both Washington and London scrambled with unusual speed to not only disclaim any hand in the strike that killed seven senior commanders of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps as well as 42 other people, but to condemn it in strong terms.

On Sunday, a US State Department spokesman, Ian Kelly, was instructed to issue a categorical US denial. "We condemn this act of terrorism and mourn the loss of innocent lives.


Behind the attack on IRCG?

by FG on





that was a terroist act

by rtayebi1 on

I can't believe  that, a few  Iranian celebrated this terrorist act. This is not the way to democracy. NO MORE TERROR be it from  IRI OR ANYONE ELSE