What does U.S. get out of unconditional support for Israel?
Baltimore Sun / Baltimor Sun
20-Oct-2009 (3 comments)

To agree with Robert Freedman's "A biased war report" (Sun, 10/20/09) is to believe that poor Israel is a benign presence in the Middle East. It also requires an ignorance of history. Israel's offenses in Gaza, noted in the Goldman report, are not aberrations, but are only the most recent examples of the ethnic aggression and expansion that characterizes Israeli history.

So why did the U.S. vote against the U.N. Human Rights Commission report? Probably to avoid a spotlight on our complicity in Operation Cast Lead, Israel's attack on Gaza. U.S. weapons sold to Israel were used in aggresive actions and on civilians in violation of U.S. arms export law. Yet, the U.S. continues arms exports and military aid to Israel as if nothing is amiss.

Why? What do Americans get for our unconditional support of Israel?

John G. Bailey, Edgemere

recommended by Shah Ghollam


Shah Ghollam

So far

by Shah Ghollam on

You are really helpless.

So far, you have not impressed many people here with your grand opinions, albeit, too slow. I suggest you let others to decide!

Farhad Kashani

Shah Gholam,

by Farhad Kashani on

Shah Gholam,

“unconditional support” such as: asking for a two state solution including a free Palestinian state, asking for end to settlements, spending billions of dollars aiding Palestinian government and citizens, brokering just peace accords between the two including ones that even Hamas said will honor, stopping Israel from attacking Iran…..thats “unconditional”, ha?

You are really helpless.


Shah Ghollam

...and another one

by Shah Ghollam on

The U.S. needs to show leadership here, and support a substantive and transparent investigation of the Gaza attacks. There is overwhelming circumstantial evidence that Israeli soldiers deliberately shot young children dead in the streets. The whole attack, timed for the transition in U.S. presidency, is quite appalling. No one in the free world stands to gain by supporting this kind of brutality.