PLO rejects Hamas' threats to prevent Gazans from voting
30-Oct-2009 (3 comments)

RAMALLAH, Oct. 25 (Xinhua) -- A senior official representing the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) on Sunday rejected Hamas' threats to prevent Gazans from voting in elections called by President Mahmoud Abbas.

    "The Gaza Strip belongs to its residents and they can decide whether to participate in the elections or not," Yasser Abed Rabbo, secretary-general of the PLO's Executive Committee, told Voice of Palestine radio.

    The Islamic Hamas movement which controls Gaza refused Abbas' decree which called parliamentary and presidential elections to beheld in Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem on Jan. 24, 2010.

    On Saturday, several Hamas officials vowed to prevent the elections from taking place at least in the Gaza Strip.

    However, Abed Rabbo responded that "Hamas gang" who get orders from "Tehran and Damascus" can't decide on letting or preventing the people in Gaza from voting.

    Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Saturday said he is committed to holding general elections in accordance with the constitutional date without any postponement.

    Abbas said he issued the decree to hold the presidential and parliamentary elections in the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip on Jan. 24 after rival factions failed to reach a deal through the Egyptian-sponsored dialogue.

    The Islamic Hamas movement, which controls Gaza, ... >>>

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by timothyfloyd on


Shah Ghollam


by Shah Ghollam on

You hit the bulls eye! These people are known for they unlimited arrogance. They will "explain" even times when theyhave to eat their own words!!!!!



FK: For some one that was

by Bavafa on


For some one that was supposedly caring only about Iran and Iranians, you are paying awful lot of attention to what is going on in the occupied land. Or was it actually Israel that only you cared about….
