پسر كروبي: موسوي شهامت حضور در راهپيمايي 13آبان را نداشت
Fars News / Fars News
05-Nov-2009 (4 comments)

به گزارش "سرويس فضاي مجازي " خبرگزاري فارس، حسين كروبي در گفت و گو با ايرنا تاكيد كرد: ما اطلاع كافي داريم كه ميرحسين موسوي در حصر نبوده است و تنها نيروي انتظامي در اطراف فرهنگستان هنر حضور داشته است اما حصري در كار نبوده است.
وي ادامه داد: به هر حال هر فردي از ويژگي هاي خاصي برخوردار است و نبايد ترس و نداشتن شهامت را با بيان ادله غيرمنطقي استتار كرد.
حسين كروبي گفت: چگونه پدر من مي تواند در راهپيمايي حضور پيدا كند و حصري هم در كار نبود اما آقاي موسوي هميشه در زمان راهپيمايي در حصر هستند؟
وي در خاتمه تاكيد كرد: نبايد به ملت دروغ گفت به هر حال اين نوع عملكردها به روحيات اخلاقي هر فردي بستگي دارد.

recommended by Shah Ghollam



thanks A111.2

by IRANdokht on

Thanks for the link. I agreed with the news item, but saw the comments and got distracted again... :o)




by anonymous111.2 on

You are correct.  At this point, Mousavi and Karoubi have really become sideshows to this movement.  Karoubi has been more vocal, and more power to him.  But the movement has its own life, and will move forward regardless.  Please read this post.  It talks about the same dynamic.


In sum, theocracy will be over in Iran in due time.  The majority of the Iranian people, while religious, want a secular democracy, and that will be the eventual outcome of this uprising.  It's only a matter of time. 


the people's role

by IRANdokht on

From the beginning and during the election campaign in Iran until today, Karrubi and Mousavi had their own different roles. Karrubi campaigned more fiercely on human rights, women rights etc... and Mousavi was not even that clear except for his contempt for A.N. and his foreign policies.

Even when they had a debate, there was no competition between them and the debate turned into a few speeches by both of them against the current government.  

Karrubi has been more vocal and has been more in touch with the people including the families of the victims of rape and torture. But even Karrubi as important a figure as he has become, is not essential to the green movement which is spreading out, evolving and continuing despite the lack of a significant leadership.

This movement will survive with or without Mousavi and Karrubi and it gains momentum because of the wrong decisions that the ruling government is making every day with their every word and action.  These crack downs and beating of the men and women, torturing and raping of the peaceful demonstrators that are escalating feed the frustration and anger of the people and guarantees the continuance of the green movement whether or not Mousavi shows up at a rally...



You wish, Gholam...

by anonymous111.2 on

you wish....

First of all, great job quoting "Fars News", the media arm of the IRGC!!!!!!!

nonetheless, much to your chagrin, this movement is actually gaining momentum, with or without Mousavi.  In fact, if you compare this movement to the 1979 revolution, you will see that the pace of the demonstrations, and the speed with which it is spreading across the country is much faster than 1979.  Back then, it took about 3 years of sporadic protests, from 1976-1979, to get thousands of people on the streets.  This time around, it is taking three months.

Your regime is in really BIG trouble.  They have lost all legitimacy with the people, and their internal conflict is doing nothing to gain that legitimacy back.  In short, the IRI, and you for that matter, should know that you're in trouble when Khamenei's picture is being trampled on in the streets.