Gates signs order barring release of torture photos
Obamaboozled / Obamaboozled
15-Nov-2009 (one comment)

Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates ruled on Friday that 44 photos that reportedly show abuse of detainees by the U.S. military in Iraq and Afghanistan cannot be released publicly. The Obama Administration notified the Supreme Court on Friday evening of this action by the Pentagon leader, and urged the Court to set aside a lower court ruling directing release of those photos. The new brief was filed in Defense Department v. American Civil Liberties Union (09-160).

The Court may act on the new filing as early as next Monday.

The Pentagon had appealed the case to the Supreme Court, to get a ruling on whether the photos at issue are exempt from mandatory disclosure under the federal Freedom of Information Act. The government was relying on Exemption 7(F) of the Act, which protects law enforcement records that, if released, could be expected “to endanger the life or physical safety of any individual.” The Second Circuit Court, however, ruled that this exemption only applies if a government agency identities at least oen specific individual who would be endangered, and it concluded that the Pentagon had not done so.

While the Pentagon petition was pending at the Court, however, Congress passed an amendment to FOIA, explicitly to overrule the Second Circuit ruling so far as it applied to the 44 military photos, some of which have been made public and some of which have been used in criminal prosecutions within the military. The new law, signed by Presi... >>>

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Farhad Kashani

Shah Gholam,   Guess

by Farhad Kashani on

Shah Gholam,


Guess what..The world is glad that Obama is following Bush path to be on offensive against Islamic fundamentalism and to spread democracy around the world…and it’s never too late to tell brainwashed, misguided, confused, twisted anti Iranian people like you…I TOLD YOU SO! thought Obama gonna establish a Socialist state and stop Americas historic role in spreading democracy and a better way of life around the world? You though people like Jon Stewart and NIAC and NY Times and Chomsky gonna get their way? You thought IRI regime and Chavez and Syria gonna be able to impose their evil will on the world?? NO! Obama is fiercely in their face, pushing them back just the same way President Bush did. American spirit is alive, and America image is better than ever, and more importantly, people of the world’s hope in America is never been stronger, and Obama will follow Bush’s path, as he should, and veryone who doesn’t like it, can ..Never mind.


I can never get enough when I see anti America, anti Iranian people like you disappointed and crushed! No baseless allegation by NY Times or Hersh or Jon Stewart or NIAC or CAIR or Chomsky or Michal Moore stopped Bush or will stop Obama to do whats right.