Israel paying agents to post pro Israel Propaganda on Internet forums & blogs!
EUTimes / EUTimes
31-Jan-2010 (13 comments)

The Foreign Ministry unveiled a new plan this week: Paying talkbackers to post pro-Israel responses on websites worldwide. A total of NIS 600,000 (roughly $150,000) will be earmarked to the establishment of an “Internet warfare” squad.

The Foreign Ministry intends to hire young people who speak at least one language and who study communication, political science, or law – or alternately, Israelis with military experience gained at units dealing with information analysis.

Beyond the fact that these job requirements reveal a basic lack of understanding in respect to the dynamics of the online discourse – the project’s manager argued that “adults don’t know how to blog” – they are not too relevant either. An effective talkbacker does not need a law degree or military experience. He merely needs to care about the subject he writes about.

The sad truth is that had Israeli citizens believed that their State is doing the right thing, they would have made sure to explain it out of their own accord. Without being paid.


Be aware of what you read!

by on

This sheds more light into some characters posting here at


Anonymous Observer


by Anonymous Observer on

It's rather strange than you didn't mention anything about the article that I linked to.  This could only mean one of two things" 1) that as I assumed, you can not read Persian, or 2) you agree with what I wrote and you are in fact a member of that program.  



by AsteroidX on

I'm an atheist. I'm going to hell.


IranMilitaryForum: A question

by AMIR1973 on

Do readers on have the right to kill, imprison, rape, cesnor, beat, and torture you the way that the Iranian regime has killed, imprisoned, raped, censored, beat, and tortured so many Iranians in the past 30 years? If not, then why does the Iranian regime do those things?



by on

PS/ aside from you and handful of other Israel obsessed non-Iranians, no
one on this site gives a s##t about Israel and Palestine.  Those two
nations can both go f##k themselves as far as we Iranians are concerned.
Hopefully, they will one day blow each other to pieces and leave the
rest of the world in peace.  So, please take your diversionary tactics
and your dictated talking points somewhere else. 

You have no idea how badly you have hurt Iranfirst, Shepesh, Astroid and Fred. They just might flush you now since you insulted their religion! 

Also, you begging me to go elsewhere is rejected!!!!

Afarin Gholam! I am sure he enjoys every second of you guys suffering his shadow!!! ;-)




Ao: very funny. He is such

by vildemose on

Ao: very funny. He is such a miscreant. I think his handlers are the Basiji in Lebnaon. He is our former shah gholam...


Anonymous Observer

And this is what our friend Gholi is doing on this site

by Anonymous Observer on

here's how IRI agents operate:


Gholam, sorry that I don't have the English or the Arabic version.  I know that you can't read Persian.  But you can always have someone translate this for you. 

PS/ aside from you and handful of other Israel obsessed non-Iranians, no one on this site gives a s##t about Israel and Palestine.  Those two nations can both go f##k themselves as far as we Iranians are concerned.  Hopefully, they will one day blow each other to pieces and leave the rest of the world in peace.  So, please take your diversionary tactics and your dictated talking points somewhere else.     

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I aksed this before but you never did anything about it. My payment from the Iseael has not arrived for a couple of months. You seem to know a lot of them. Please ask them to send me my check!! It is cold in the winter. I need to pay my heating bill.


I even take PayPal.



by Shepesh on



LOL - you bring up good topics Gholi :-)

by AsteroidX on

So let me bring you down to Earth and reality:

What about the 'Iranian Cyber Army'?

What about this? IRI Banned and Filtered IPC Website


8 years of Islamist cyber sabotage against IPC


Religious Cleansing in Iran


"With the recent controversial presidential election, the scapegoating of non-Muslims as agents of the United States, Israel, Britain, and the deposed monarchy reached new heights"

Open Letter from Akbar Ganji to the UN Secretary-General


"Exploiting the danger posed by the US, the Iranian regime has put military-security forces in charge of the government, shut down all independent domestic media, and is imprisoning human rights activists on the pretext that they are all agents of a foreign enemy.  "


Hope you are not trying to discredit posts that criticize IRI, by accusing posters of being Agents? just a question - since you always insist you speak on behalf of IRI, please let us know who YOU are. And how much you are being payed. LOL



by on

Simply cannot have such operations! Such operatins take a massive number of people who are fluent in English and other languages as a single most important condition. Iran simply cannot provide so many people who can dedicate their time on Internet simply to spread propaganda. Besides, any Iranian with that kind of command in English would probably earn much more money doing many other things., i.e teach English to private students making between 15000-40000 tomans per hour Now, israel is whole different story. They get a massive nmber of Immigrants from English speaking countries add to that another massive number of Volunteer students wh vist Israel around the clck from the same countries and of course the retiree migrants from again the same countries. They are have the same pool of people fluent in other languages, and yes FARSI is one of them and you can bet they are having their own show right here at in the name of Iranians!!!!




thank imfn

by nojanthegreat on

its just sad for israel and its people . and i can think of atleast three of them on this site lol two of their names  starts with f lol


And the IRI

by Onlyiran on

does not have this type of operation?  Please!!!!