Iran showing fastest scientific growth of any country
Newscientist / Newscientist
22-Feb-2010 (9 comments)

Scientific output has grown 11 times faster in Iran than the world
average, faster than any other country. A survey of the number of
scientific publications listed in the Web of Science database shows that
growth in the Middle East – mostly in Turkey and Iran – is nearly four
times faster than the world average.

Science-Metrix, a
data-analysis company in Montreal, Canada, has published a detailed
report (PDF) on "geopolitical shifts in knowledge creation" since 1980.
"Asia is catching up even more rapidly than previously thought, Europe
is holding its position more than most would expect, and the Middle East
is a region to watch," says the report's author, Eric Archambault.

scientific output grew steadily, from 450,000 papers a year in 1980 to
1,500,000 in 2009. Asia as a whole surpassed North America last year.

nuclear, nuclear
Archambaut notes that Iran's publications have
emphasised inorganic and nuclear chemistry, nuclear and particle physics
and nuclear engineering. Publications in nuclear engineering grew 250
times faster than the world average – although medical and agricultural
research also increased.

Science-Metrix also predicts that this
year, China will publish as many peer-reviewed papers in natural
sciences and engineering as the US. If current trends continue, by 2015
Chi... >>>

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by AsteroidX on

"I suggest you stop your religious bigotory ... You have no right to critisize anyone's religion regardless of what. "

Your comments would have more credibility if you showed a balanced criticism of bigotry . You are absent with regards to criticizing bigorty by IRI on minorities. You know, the ones on trial at the moment - bahai, Christian, etc ... Do you read any of the articles people post here about that?



by on

The greatest part is that they did this in spite of the IRR. 

What a rubbish! only a blind to reality would make such a non-sense comment. There is no prior modern historic reference to give credit to your non-sense. I suggest you compare similar statistics during the Shah's time, the period when a good number of other delusional people here who attribute everything from heaven to that time.


They are
still hanging out by the well waiting for Mehdi.

I suggest you stop your religious bigotory in Cyberspace. You have no right to critisize anyone's religion regardless of what. Come to think of it, you are not so perfect yourself (and for sure far from it)  including your own religious beliefs! How would you feel if others mock you for your religiuos beliefs? I assume you must love it otherwise you wouldn't indulge yourself in such pathetic practice with liberty.




I guess

by on

such outburst of exitement from these foreign worshipers stems from one fact only, that is the source is not Iranian rather a prestigious American one that cannot be disputed, ridiculed, doubted, punched, mocked, much like they do with anything made in Iran!.

Would you believe me when I say I enjoy your morning immensely?



We love Iran and Iranians, we are proud of Iranian scientists and sports
teams, but we hate the murderous regime ruling Iran. Got that, you
illiterate IRI cyber groupie?


I see how you love Iran and Iranians. I am impressed how you and your gange of foreign agents exhibit your love for Iran by posting Iran's engineering and scientific achievements (I am being sarcastic, in case it was not obvoius).

But if you ALL (a reference to anti Iran pax here) wish to dispute my claim, feel free to prove it to the public here by posting links to your posts. The proof is in the pudding as they say!!!!



Good for those Iranian scientists, not IRI

by AMIR1973 on

Barikalla and sadd afarin to those Iranians whose papers were accepted for publication. Certainly, credit belongs to them for their accomplishments. Our illiterate friend, Iranian Military Forum ("Congradulations"  :-)  thinks that the acheivements of Iranian individuals makes the rapist akhhond-ruled regime less criminal. Nice try, IRI cyber groupie. We love Iran and Iranians, we are proud of Iranian scientists and sports teams, but we hate the murderous regime ruling Iran. Got that, you illiterate IRI cyber groupie?

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I am not sure if there numbers are accurate so lets say they are. The developed world already has reached steady state. Iran needs to catch up. I applaud the Iranian scientists. The greatest part is that they did this in spite of the IRR. 

Good for Iranian scientists. Bad for the Ommati IRR idiots. They are still hanging out by the well waiting for Mehdi. The more science in Iran the worse IRR does. Intelligent people don't buy the Islamist nonsense no wonder they want change.

Anonymous Observer

Samsam Jaan

by Anonymous Observer on

Thanks my brother.  This Lebanese ommatti is the worst of the bunch.  It's as if we don't have enough of the Iranian types, now we have to deal with the foreign variety as well.  


Oh my!!!

by on


Talk about anything good for Iran and you get bunch of self proclaimed " Iranian patriots" who can't stand such news. All they love to hear is about demonstrations on Tehran streets. I guess Democracy and Freedom will be their next wish for Iran too!!!!! 

Congradulations Iran, again!

But to other supposedly "well wishers" here, &^%@^ you too!  ;-))


"what is it to you" %^&* looool

by SamSamIIII on


AO you crack me up pal...ahhhh. that was awesome 

Path of Kiaan Resurrection of True Iran Hoisting Drafshe Kaviaan // //

Anonymous Observer

Even if so...

by Anonymous Observer on

what's it to you?  It's not like they said that your hometown of Tyre in South Lebanon is showing the fastest growth in science.

Buddy boy, we're not going to be fooled into thinking that you're Iranian or anything.  Stop wasting our time and go away.  The IRI needs help in beating up students in their dormitories.  May be you can be useful there.  Call the IRI embassy in Beirut.  I'm sure they will arrange for a free flight for you. You will also get a free hotel room, free sandwiches and chelo kabob, and perhaps even a "sigheh" when you're there.  But you must hurry.  Time is limited, and there are many other Arab shaban bi mokhs who will be competing for the job.