Why Iran?
Campaign Iran / Campaign Iran
23-Feb-2010 (one comment)

Iran continues to be the privileged member of the "Axis of Evil," a notion formally but not really abandoned by the United States. It is accompanied by Venezuela, Bolivia, and Ecuador, in addition to North Korea, among others.

Why Iran? The criteria mentioned by Hillary Clinton make no sense. Risk of possessing conditions to manufacture nuclear weapons? Israel openly admits that it has nuclear weapons and threatens weekly to bomb precisely Iran.

Risk of becoming a dictatorship? What are countries like Saudi Arabia and Egypt except dictatorships?

Risk of Iran posing a threat to its neighbors? Iran has never invaded other countries, nor has it occupied any foreign territories. In contrast, Israel has occupied Palestinian territories for more than four decades and certainly has nuclear weapons.

Iran is a religious state, an Islamic one, which favors the Shiites. But Israel is a Jewish state, without a Constitution, which favors the Jews and makes the Palestinians, a quarter of its population, second-class citizens.

Why the double standard? Simply because Israel is the privileged ally of the United States in the Middle East -- the country that receives the most US aid in the world -- whereas Iran is in opposition to the United States. Plain and simple. To confirm that, ask yourself: why doesn't Hillary criticize the dictatorship that exists in Saudi Arabia or Egypt, the latter of which is the second largest recipient of US military aid? Beca... >>>

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Why indeed ...

by AsteroidX on


Nuclear weapons in the hands of the mullahs (major loons) would be the most dangerous combination since the dawn of the nuclear age -- a nuclear-armed state with ballistic missiles led by religious zealots.

At a recent conference in support of the Palestinian government led by Hamas, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Israel "is heading toward annihilation." Coupling this talk with his announcement Iran had successfully enriched uranium, Mr. Ahmadinejad made clear the intent of the Iranian leadership to destroy Israel.


An Iran with Nukes is a Threat to Arabs and Turks as well as Israel.


Why Arabs fear nuclear Iran