Israel Humiliates Biden, Announces Further Colonization on Eve of US-Brokered Talks
Juan Cole / Juan Cole
10-Mar-2010 (9 comments)

Brokered Talks

The far rightwing government of Binyamin Netanyahu in Israel majorly sandbagged Vice President Joe Biden on Tuesday, demonstrating once again that it has not the slightest interest in pursuing a just peace with the Palestinian people or in trading a cessation of its colonization of the Palestinian West Bank for a comprehensive peace with the Arab world.

Biden went to the Mideast to kick off negotiations between the Palestinians and the Israelis, and reassured the latter of undying US support for them. On Chris Matthews' Hardball, Biden explained that when you marry someone, you tell them you love them, but that does not remove the obligation to keep saying it years later. Apparently, however, Washington is henpecked by Tel Aviv to the point almost of being a battered spouse. In response to Biden's loyal support for Israel over decades, the Likud-led government kicked him in the teeth. Israeli Interior Minister Eli Yishai abruptly announced that he would build 1600 new households (for 8,000 people?) in a part of the Occupied West Bank that the Israeli government had annexed to Jerusalem District. It was precisely such new and increasing Israeli building on Palestinian territory that had led Palestine Authority President Mahmoud Abbas to reject negotiations and to threaten ... >>>


Israel: More self-desrtuctive behavior

by vildemose on

It looks like both Israel and the Islamic Republic are hell bent on self-destruction.  When Israel agrees to discuss peace, they know this gives them more time to build settlements. It is a joke. I wish the world would wake up and catch on.

Israel will never agree to a 2 state solution as then they could not steal any more land. The peace talks are a stalling and diversion technique, nothing more. IRI and Netenyahu are two peas in a pod.





by timothyfloyd on



This is not an irrational decision by Israel

by marzutra on

It is a retaliation against the USA in response to Obama's pro-Iran policy.


How many Iranians would give up the right

by marzutra on

to build houses in Tehran?


of course Israel would snub the US! They own the US!

by obama on

White Americans and Obama are only a front of the zionist organization such AIPAC and many more. Israel knows that they can do whtever they want and there is not a damn thin that the US can do to them.

Did you expect the Israeli Rahm Emmanuel is planted in the white house to protect the US? Israel and their supporters in this country have devastated this great country only to gain benefit for themselves! Americans are sleep watching zionist TV programs such American Idol!

United States of Israel!


Well I'm not arguing

by timothyfloyd on

that the Jew's should not build there but I'm not ignoring a point that Netanyahoo has made goes along with what I said about ISLAM.

On a clip I can't find now,Biden and Netenyahoo were standing side by side and was asked abut Peace to which Netenyahoo said something to the effect he will take it seriously when they take it seriously.I noticed Biden didn't say anything.Probably because there is nothing to say to that statement in return.

And the Jews also stated the settlements are not an agreement with the Palestineans or Americans,it was a agreement with themselves to stop building.

The same way as Islamic Jihad can never have Peace Treaty's but the people fighting Jihad can delay the Jihad to regroup etc. 

 So you can ignore what the scholars say about Islam but I don't think the Jews do.And that's not why I posted a lecture on Islam pertaining to this exact subject.I prefer not to be ignorant of the one side but all knowing of the other.

 You can follow the game all you want,blame the Jews for real estate whatever,that's nothing new at all.They are never going to go along with this border deal in Isreal and I can't agree with it either becuase it's racist.It's one thing for countries to divide themselve's by citizen's but another to divide them by creed.


True adherance of

by vildemose on

True adherance of 'realestate profiteering' and greed who will kill their own mother for a piece of land not Peace: That much  is understood... 


Totally agree with Vildemose analysis

by Bavafa on

And here we have the US, the most powerful nation, that protects them in the UN often going against the entire world, give them $3B a year in aid and military HW and this is the sort of thanks they get. For Americans It is like S&M, they get abused and they ask for more. Mehrdad


Vildemose there will never be peace there

by timothyfloyd on

True adherance of Islam will not tolerate it. I'm sure Juan Cole know's he play's upon people's ignorance of Islamic law.
