عقب نشینی خامنه ای درمورد چهارشنبه سوری
Iran Secular
16-Mar-2010 (4 comments)

سایت علی خامنه ای شتابزده پاسخ رهبر حکومت اسلامی در مورد چهار شنبه سوری را از این سایت حذف کرد. وی در جواب نظر وی در مورد چهار شنبه سوری گفته بود که : علاوه بر آنکه هیچ مبناى شرعى ندارد، مستلزم ضرر و فساد زیادى است که مناسب است از آنها اجتناب شود . نظر وی توسط سایت دولت نیزاعلام شده بود که سپس در خبر گذاری های جهان نیز پخش شد

به این صورت خامنه ای مستقیما خود را در مقابل ایران و ایرانیان قرار داده بود ولی با شرکت سراسری در مراسم چهار شنبه سوری وعلی رقم تمام اقدامات امنیتی ، ایرانیان در عمل نشان میدهد که رهبری ، ولایت و سخنان خامنه ای را قبول ندارد

فتوای آیت الله خامنه ای در سایت دولت //www.dolat.ir/Nsite/FullStory/?Id=187804

فتوای آیت الله خامنه ای در سایت رهبری //www.leade

recommended by David ET




by Abarmard on

I don't think you should get mad about this. I don't deny that the regime has been trying to stop Nowruz since day one. I just don't think this is an important news. I don't believe BBC and their friends not because they lie, I think they got ulterior motives and I question their news pick at all times. That's about it.

In Iran this regime and many others in the future will find sooner or later that things that are dear in people's hearts will not vanish by policies. So no worries there. 


Truly pathetic Abarmard

by Fair on

This news was not bowl, YOU are in denial, and are trying to erase what cannot be erased.

It was widely reported everywhere, and now the Islamic Fuehrer has said a big "GOH KHORDAM" by withdrawing it.

Here are just some of the places it was reported:







In the meantime, it is nowhere to be found on the Islamic Fuehrer's site.  Now we know clearly what is bowl.




by Abarmard on

This news was bowl to begin with. You believe BBC, then you deserve the follow up.


The moron has backed off

by mahmoudg on

He realized that thousands of years a of belief system will not be wiped by one worthless fatwa, as I agree that 1400 years of worthless beliefs may not be wiped overnight either.  But in the end, our rich pre-islamic culture will win over the dark islamic one.