Iran ready for one-shot nuclear fuel exchange
Khaleej Times Online / AFP
17-Mar-2010 (one comment)

Iran is ready to deliver 1,200 kilogrammes of low-enriched uranium in one go in return for fuel for a Teheran reactor but the exchange must be inside the country.

The hardline Jawan newspaper quoted nuclear chief Ali Akbar Salehi as saying on Wednesday.

Salehi said Iran had earlier proposed to deliver its low-enriched uranium (LEU) in batches of 400 kilogrammes (880 pounds).

‘But this has no technical justification because those who want to produce the (20 percent enriched) fuel say that this amount has no economic justification,’ Salehi said in an interview with the newspaper.

‘What we are saying now is that we are ready to deliver the total amount of fuel in one go on condition that the exchange take place inside Iran and simultaneously.

‘We are ready to deliver 1,200 kilos (2,640 pounds) and to receive 120 kilos (264 pounds) of 20 percent enriched uranium.’

Iran’s latest offer is significant as it had previously baulked at the idea of delivering 1,200 kilos of LEU in one go as envisaged in a plan drawn up by the UN nuclear watchdog last October after talks with major powers.

Iran had said it would only hand over its LEU stocks in phases.

Officials had strongly opposed the IAEA plan as they saw it as a ruse by Western powers to deprive Iran of its uranium stockpile, and had put forward a rival proposal to either buy the 20 percent enriched uranium fuel on the international market or conduct a fuel swap ... >>>

Dan Huck

Iran Compromises In Good Faith Effort

by Dan Huck on

Iran has said it is willing to exchange the full amount of weaponizable LEU proposed by NWS for non-weaponizable fuel rods to be used in the Tehran Research Reactor for the production of nuclear medical products. That appears to meet the quantity demand of the West to make the swap feasible. Additionally, Iran will allow the IAEA to, in effect, hold the 1200 kilos of LEU unavailable to Iran, sealed, overseen by IAEA inspectors, until the fuel rods are delivered, at which point it will be removed from the country. This seems to clearly meet the concerns the LEU should be unavailable for further enrichment.
