Off limit to media!
YouTube / YouTube
19-Mar-2010 (3 comments)

The reality is that Westerners know very little about the everyday realities in the occupied Palestine.

This is merely because the "media control" and manipulations in Israel and Zionist owned or control media

in the West. The true picture, if allowed, is far uglier than any stomach can take!

With the change of US tactics in ME, I hope much more of this ugly racsist entity will be revealed

through the media. Amin!

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good point, Gavazn

by MM on

Where is the news on the reign of terror on Iranian media and how many journalists are either in jail or running for their lives?  Here is the latest on the arrested Iranian journalists:


10 March 2010


With 52 journalists in jail, Iran hits new, shameful record

(CPJ/IFEX) - 9 March 2010 - The number of journalists in jail rose in February as a relentless media crackdown continues in Iran. Authorities are now holding at least 52 journalists in prison, a third of all those in jail around the world, according to the latest monthly survey by the Committee to Protect Journalists…………………………………>>>




by on

I would have thought in a website called you would also
bring up the media censorship of journalists and activists, and their
intimidation by the regime. Frankly I do not see why this has anything
to do with Iran at all.

If you do not know what it has to do with Iran, then you are really missing alot! Hint: They are the same people who advocate "freedom and Democracy" for Iranians. Hope you manage getting the point of it all!




Should this be posted under news item?

by Gavazn on

I would have thought in a website called you would also bring up the media censorship of journalists and activists, and their intimidation by the regime. Frankly I do not see why this has anything to do with Iran at all.