Trip To Israel By Neda's 'Fiance' Causes Controversy
Payvand / Payvand
27-Mar-2010 (9 comments)

Neda was shot dead on June 20 during a peaceful protest in Tehran following the disputed presidential vote a week before. Her last moments were caught on camera and watched by millions of people around the world, making her one of the icons of the opposition Green Movement.

Makan said in an interview right after Neda's death that they were due to get married. He said Neda was shot by members of the Basij militia.

He was later arrested and held in jail. He left Iran some time after he was released.

Makan, who traveled to Israel as a guest of Israel's Channel 2, met on March 22 with Israeli President Shimon Peres. He was quoted as saying that he'd come to Israel as "an ambassador of the Iranian people." He also said that "Neda's spirit and soul feels the sensitivity and warmth" he received in the meeting with Peres.

Masih Alinejad, an Iranian journalist based in Britain and a contributor to the "Jaras" opposition website, writes that while Makan claims he's Neda's fiance, Neda's sister has said that they had a brief relationship and that at the time of Neda's death some nine months ago they were not together anymore.

Alinejad believes Makan is using Neda's name to promote himself.

"This man is free to do whatever he wants under his name, but the disaster is that he's known in the world because of Neda's name, in the name of a girl whose family has no claim but he's claiming to represent Neda and sending Iran's message to the world,"... >>>

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Was Rosie

Hi! I invite you all to read Ayhabs blog on VOWELS

by Was Rosie on

currently featured & read or scan up our thread (all of ours... ;oP  )

Human: Actually I was looking for you specifically. MM & DK are already there. Pls. all come. Thanks,

Am Rosie


p.s.: here is my account. i was there.

by humanbeing on

i did not read the blog of masih in detail or the email letters between her and hoda. i was not ‘there’ with caspian and neda in their private moments. it is none of my business, or anyone else’s. my heart goes out to the parents and family of neda, and to the iranian people.
the only place where i was an eyewitness was at caspian makan’s visit to the student union at the university in jerusalem. this visit was held WITHOUT FANFARE, NO PRESS, was NOT a photo op for anyone. it was a mutual human reaching out. the hall was packed, there were orthodox jews, seculars, righties, lefties, members of the palestinian student and other political groups on campus, with their internal varieties, students from the iranian studies dept. who wanted to practice their persian in the questions and answers, homesick expats, and all kinds of people.
caspian looked broken, but spoke with care and tact. he was harshly challenged by a palestinian student who compared caspian’s experiences and those of others in evin to the israeli jail, although he himself never had jail experience anywhere. there was a heated, but open debate. others said touching things and difficult things. but people talked.
although maybe a small part of the audience came out of curiosity (not to say voyeurism) about neda, most wanted to have a human engagement on a non-political level with someone from iran, and to be hospitable. makan himself talked about humanity and universal things, not about neda, and there was no hijacking of any personal story or posturing as a mouthpeice for a political or national movement.
if anything, the students who attended this meeting were jarred from their complacency, and maybe such encounters will turn them into more active promoters of change in the troubled situation here.


i agree with mm.

by humanbeing on

the conspiracy theories make for poor argumentation, and sound like armchair fantasies. although this is totally none of my business, i would refer those who have doubts to an open, non-cynical look. if you want, you can see my account of my own experience from caspian's visit. i posted it as a comment on a previous item on this site called 'in defence of caspian makan' from 24th or 25th march.


No buddy- it should be his right to travel freely where he wants

by MM on

And, without any evidence being accused of being Israeli agent.   I guess if he came to the USA and met with someone here, then he is an agent of CIA? right?

Peter Pan

They could have mailed the cheque

by Peter Pan on

Let's courageously admit it. This trip was a blunder; no matter this fellow is on the Israelis' payroll, or not.



Guilt by association is a hallmark if IRI persecutions

by MM on

So what that he went to Israel?  Meantime, he probably made some money from his speeches.  His livelihood in Iran has most probably been taken away by IRI; compromized by being Neda's fiance', so, good for him.

What did you expect him to do?  Go to Ghom or Mashhad to thank the regime?



by Fatollah on

chie chie bod, daste sho boland kard, baray kie? mardom ke montazer familashon bodan forodgah! :-)

rendd forsat tal'lab ...



by darius on

Is this an edited video ?

 How does he answer the questions without an interpreter?

Does he speak Hebrew? 


Interview with the imposter

by on